Chap. 38. an Expoftion'span theBookof J o s. Verf. 41. 3 3', being greatly diareffed, cryed every one to hisgod. There may be a cry of p°ayerto God in the mouth; where there is no grace in the heart. The Apo(tle faith, Rom. an. Wbofoever calleth up- on thename of the Lord /hall be caved ; but then it muff be in faith, for fo it follows there, flow (hall they call on him on whom theyhave not believed? Many call upon God,that (hail not be Pa- ved (Pfal. 18 . 4t.) They cryed, but their was none to fave them, even to the Lord, but he ar,fuered themnot. The cry of graceless men is feldomer heard than the cry of reafonlefs bealfs or birds. Hence, Thirdly, Note ; The Lord hears the cryof nature when'tia inwant. He hears the cry of beaffs, and he hears the cry cf Ravens. Though wicked men ffop their ears, and will not hear his com- mands, yet he fometimeshears their cryes in outward troubles, andBoth them good many vvayes. Hence alfo we may infer ; If the Lord hears the cry of nature inbeaftr, and birds, and bad men, howmuch more will hehear the cry of grace, and of thefpirit of adoption, crying Abbas father, in hoe children? If he hears the erasing cry of young Ravens, who have no ,invention topray to him, how much more will he hear thebelie ving cry, the deepgroans and fighs of Sainrs,_ who Jet theirfa- cce purpotely to pray unto him, and feek his face. This poor man cryed (a man rich in grace doubtlefs he was) and the Lord heard him, and Pavedhim out of all his troubles. Fourthly, Note; If you would have fapply in your wants, you muff as it of God. When you are in want, whitherfoever you go, if you go not to God, you go to a wrong door : The Ravens tell youwhither to go when you are in want ; it is nor to this or that creature, to this or that means, to this friend or that, but you muff go to Cod for help ; ' and if we have help any where elfe, and not in God, our help is worfe than our diftrefs. Wants are anevil of affil ófiore.