Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

304 Chap. 38. an Expofition upon the Book of Jo a. Verf, 4i.' afflic` ion, but the help we get out of wants inany way, with neá leC, of God, is anevil of fin, therefore cry toGod. The Lions. are Paid toreek their meat fromGod, and here the Ravens are Paid to cry. untoGod ; the young Lions and the Ravens, will condemn thofe, who in their dittreffes do not cry to God the fountain, but run to broken cifterns. It was the fin of that good King e."1 that inbis difeafehe foughtnot to God, but to thePhy- fscians (:2 Chron. i6.12.)not that Afa hadcat+ off prayer to God, or didnot at all fcek unto him (it cannot be that fo good a man as the Scripture reports him, fhould fo much at once forget God and himfelf) but the meaning is, he was very cold and negligent in calling uponGod for help, and over confident of help by his Phyficians. Laftly, confider, God provides for the youngRavens, when the old ones leave them, or put them out of their nett. Hence note ; When nearefi Relations in nature leave us, godwill not. When they whoreduty it is to take careof us, prove unnatu- ral, like theRaven to his young odes, then God will take care of us. whenmyfather and mother forfookme (faithavid, `Pfa1.27. 9, r o.) then the Lord tool, meup. The Lordwho feeds out-call Ravens, willgive entertainment to hisour- cartfervants. (Prat. 68. 5.) Afather of thefatherlefs, and a judge of the widows, is God in his holy habitation. They that are fatherlefs by their pa- rents deferring of them, or fatherlefs by the deceafe of their pa- rents , God (they committing themfelves to him) will be fa- ther unto them, he will do the office of a father to them, that is, provide for them. Thus muchof theLion, chief among the beafts of the earth, and of theRaven, one of the worft among the fowls of the Air. The wifdom of God bath chofen out theft creatures, that in teftifying his care of them, he might convince fob, that he hadnot cart off the care of him, but would provide for him, poifibly in unknownwayes of providence, as he did for the Lions andthe Ravens.