Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 39. AnExpofit-ion upon theBookof J o B. Verf. r. 3o5 Jr QB, Chap. 39. Verf. I, 2, 3, 4.. I . Knower thou the time when thewild Goats of the rocJ bring forth, or canfi thou mark when the hinds do Calve ? a. Canfl thou number the mouths that they fulfill or knozrefl thou the time when they bring forth? They bow themfelves, theybring forth theiryoung ones, they call. out their farrows. 4. Their young ones are in good li4Mg, they grow up with corn e they go forth, and return not tente them. N the former context, which was the clofe of the 38,h Chap; The Lord gave fob anaccount of his care in providing food for the Lion, and the young Lions ; for the Raven and his youngones. In this context and Chapter the Lord proceeds to Chew hiscare and providence concerningboth the produ&ion and fuilentation of feveral other creatures, of whom men take no care nor make any provifion for at all. The wild Goats and the ,Mind, thewild Affa and the/Unicorn. There are fome creatures which live under mans inCpeClion, and are provided for by him, being tame and ferviceable ; there are others which have no commerce (. as I may fay) with man, but are favage, living at large in the fields and forrefis, upon hills andmountains, yet there are preferved in their generations and increafe,aswell as thole which are the ùndertheeye and daily care of man. The wild Goats are preCerved as well as the Cheep, and the Hinds of the Forreft as well as the Calves of the Stall. In and by all there examples the Lord would have fob take fpe- cial notice, that his providence extendeth both to the feeding or ncurifhing of all kinds of creatures, as alfo to their births and bringing forth, for the prefervation of their feveral kinds. Rr- .o