3®,6 Chap.. 39. an ExpoTitian upon the Book, of j o a,';Vert.. t, So then,the providence of God is here magnified incontinu ïng and multiplying feveral forts of four footed beafls of the earth and winged fowls of the air ; fome of which being tame are kept by the care of 'man ; others beingwild and avoiding the prefence of man (he fcarce knowing the nature of them, nor having any fervice by them )are perpetuated in their kinds by the only care of God. In thefe four verf s there are two things ingeneral, about which the Lord holds forth his care of thefe, favage creatures. Fìrfl, About the bringing forth of their young ones. Secondly, About thebringing up of their young ones. The bringing forth of their young ones, we have in the three fir fl verfe; of this Chapter the b ingtng up of their young ones, we have in the 4th verfe. About the bringing forth of their youngones the Text (peaks two things. Firfie The feafon of it ; and fecondly, The pain- furl manner of it. The feafonof it in the two firfi Verfes. Knowefl thou the time when the wild Coats of the rock bring forth ? (verfe s.) and then of the hinds ( ver, 2.) Canff thou number the months that they fulfill ? The painful manner of bringing forth their young isexpreffed at the ;d verfe, They bow down themfelves, they bring forth their., young ones, they call out their forrow.r. The bringing up and growth of their young ones is given (ver. 4.) Their young ones are in goodliking, they grow up with. earn, &c. Thuswe have the general fcope and parts of this con- text. I (hall now deal with the particulars. Verf, a. Knowet thouthe time when tho wild Goats of the rock bring forth ? er fe, The firfi que(lion concerns the wild Goats, and the feafon of quentiazserba. their bringing forth. 1peryttéèdo- Knowef.thou the time, &c. o,ben intern. Benda furar,pro Thefe words intend more than a bare naked knowledge of ,foquod-efl-to- the time, they take in the knowledge of the whole difpofal or sátnadmini- adminiflration of God, concerning the wild Goats in their bring firationetrt aa- o" tumobrinarc, ing forth. feria. Knotwefi three the time ? The word 'rendred times .fignifes the