Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap, 39, yinExpofs'tionupon the Bookof .J o B.. Ve.:f.r o-7 the opportune time, the fit time, the appointed time ; knoweft fly tempos thou the time or that time, opportunum feu idoneum. When the wild Goats of the rock bring forth ? What thefe Goats here calledwild Goats, and wild Goats of the ;14771 rupE- roch,are,is commonly known. The word which we render wild Capra d i t7ÿ Goats, fignifies in the Hebrew 'aleending or clambering, becaufe Pandit, often- 'Goats are clambering creatures, getting up the fteepefl rocks, dn, qudd m°n" and afcending the hei ht of hills and mountains which they do r ey b g 9 Y afcendit. many times exceeding dangerously, feeming rather to hang by their feet than to go upon them. Thus the old Poet fancied Pendent= them, when he Paid, Toss may fee the wild Goat hanging upon the furl macapre- rock,you may hope (fie will tumbledown prefently .; But floe deceives am derupeví. the bunter and loss bounds ; though fhe feems to hanguncertainly, eafuror,fperee yet fhe keeps her footing (teddily. The Latines have a word Cafur mfperw°- 1 gnifying will Goats, which criticks fay, comes from another la- nes. Martial, tine word fiignifying a bird or flying fowl, becaufe Goats may be Ibises quafe laid rather to fly than go upon thofe craggy places, or rather to avices,ea quád ufe wings than feer. Such are the creatures here called wildGoats, tgarav:um and that with an addition, wild Goats arduo ce:noex- lfa renew,. Of the rocks, Becaufe they fpeciallydelight in rocky places, or becaufe they breed and bring forth in rocks; It is Paid ( a Sam. 24. a.) that Saul in his purfuit of David, came with a feleet army of three thoufand men, to leek him and his men upon the rocks of the wild goats ; which Scripture fitly anfwers this which calls themwild Goats of the rock. Saal did not leek `David only in the plains and valleys, where flocks of Cheep feed ; but upon the craggy rocks and precipices, where wild Goats take up their quarters or ufe to feed. This (hewed his implacable rage, and revengeful fpirit againft an innocent perfon, that rather chan not take him and have his will on him, he would undertake an expedition, not only tedious but very hazardous' to himfelf and his army, Wrathful men wilt not only not fpare others, but not themfelves. But to the Text, Knave thou the time when the wild Goats of tbs rock S r z Rring