3 0 . Chap. 39. an Expofitionupon the Book. of J o a. Verf. a Bring forth, that is, their young ones. 1I171r1 d 47111 The word tranflated bring forth lignifies pain and forrow; verbum ipfum.. There is fo much pain in bringing forth, that bringing forth and pod dolere painmay well be fignifiedby one word. The pains of the wild frgnificat fu- Goats in bringing forth here im 1 ed are expreffely f okenof m tut pro pzr- P Y i p turire.masc. at the third Yerfe. But why did the Lord enquire of fob here, whether he knew the time, the exalt time of their bringing forth ? is that a fe- cret ? I anfwer, doubtlefsit is a fecrer, and fuck a Cecrec as few are acquainted with. WildGoats come little under the eye or fight of men in that work they bringing forth upon inacceflàble places, craggy rocks and mountains, men cannot without much difficulty reach that piece of knowledge. And therefore the Lord might well ask of 7o6, Knóweft thou the time znben the wild. Goats of the rock bring forth ? I may fay alto, the Lord purs this familiar queftion to Pb, that he might the more awaken him into the confideration of his own weaknefs, and utter inability to find out the fecrer of his ocher works. As if the Lord had faid, thou canft not difcover fo much ou the birth of the wildGoats, how then canft thou find out the births of my wonderful provi. dences ? UV!), providences bring forth wonderfulbirths, and much more unknowable by thee chaos the birth and bringing forth of the wildGoats. Thus the Lord would check his curiofity; he who was unable to give him an account concerning the !lace of thofe poor creatures, mot+ not think himCelf able to pry into the great and unfarchable works of God, in the amazing produftsof his providence towards the children of men. Before I pats from there words it will not be unprofitable to mind the Reader, how ( as one of the Ancients bath hinted ) we regor. is 30.. may moralize or fpiritualize this Text, there being muchof the r c.00,, difpofition or condition of a godly man, efpecially of a faithful Teacher , typed or fairly reprefented in thenature and qualities of theft wild Goats. Fitt}, M theft wild Goats reekboth their food and ref+, their repafi and refuge in rocks ; So the godly abide and dwell in the rock, that is, in the Lordfefte Chrift, they look to him aloneboth for refuge and reftefhing, both for comfort and fafery while they are. in this world. Chrii{ is the rock upon which the çhurch is built,