Chap. 39. t4 Expofrtionapon theBool¿pfJ 0 B. Verf..I. 309 built (21/Let. a6. r 8.) And as the (+ate of the true Church in general, foof every true laelìever, is built upon this immovable rock the Lord Jefus Chrifi. Secondly, As the rocks,fo the mountains are muchdef red by the wild Goats (Pfal. i o4. 18.) The high hills are a refuge for the wildGoats. Thus David was eying the hills for help (Plat; i 2 r . 1.) I will lift op mine eyes to the hills, fromwhence corned) my help. What were theft hills ?Surely, neither the material nor metaphorical hills of this world, of which latter the people of God fpake ( Jerem. 3. 23.) difclamingly , Truly in vain ro falvation hoped for from the hills , and from the multitude of mountains, that is, from the greatef+ power of man or men, What the hills were towhich David lifted up his eyes for help, himfelf tells us at the fecond verfe of that Pfalm, My help oometh from the Lord, winch made heaven and earth. As the af- fe&ions of á godly man are fet upon the things above, nor upon things below ( Col, 3. e. ) fo his confidences are fet uponGod who is above, not upon men herebelow. Thirdly,Thefe wild Goats are very agil &a&ive creatures,much inmotion, full of life, full of fpirits; and fo they refemble a god- lyman, he is amanof motion, of fpirirual motion ; and he de- fires his motions and fpeed tray be more and more fpeedy in the ways of God. As David refolved torten the ways of Gods comb mandements, when God fhould pleafe to enlarge his heart ; fo doubtlefs he prayed, that God would enlarge his heart to run thofeways. And howoftendid he pray for quickning grace and livelinefs, that being delivered from a flow , dull, flegmatique fpirir, he might be aaive and full of holy fireabout the things, and for the things of God. Fourrhly,Wild Goatsof the rocks,in thofe countrieswhere they abound, are much purfued and difquieted by huntf-men, as that paffage which I before quoted from a Fetthen Poet intimates fo goodmen; thebell of men are often hunted and difiurbed in this world, there are huntersof men, as well as hunters of beans. Nimrodwas a mighty hunter ( Gen. so; 9.) he was a hunter of even. Saul hunted David even asa wildGoat on th,e rocks, oras aPartridg on the mountains. Fifthly,Theywho hunt the wild Goats areat averydangerous pleafure, they often fall upon the rocks, and fornetimes fall from t'c.e.