C1i p 38. An ExpofÉiUtn up" the Boo&J O B. Verf. a, 13 the confternation of his mind ( chap. 3. 16. ,) when Iheard,my belly trembled, my lips quivered at thevoice, rottennefr entred into my bones , and I trembled in my felf , that I might refl in the day of trouble. Now,Gofpel Times being more clear and calm, Chrif' fpeaks more clearly and calmly; as it was phophefied Ufa. 42. 2,3.) Heßrall not cry nor lift up his voice in the flreet (Chritt didnot fpeakout of a Whirlwind) A brteifed reed he (hail not break , and the fmoakingflax ¡hall he not quench ; he (hall bring forth Judgement untoVitory : That is, he £hall with all tender- nefs condefcend to the weak.efi fouls, and deal with themmoth fweetly, gently, and compaffionately. Secondly , The Lord fpake in a Whirlwind , that he might Phew the greater State and Majefiy, to awaken job yet more, or cò make him more attentive ; as alto to affe61 him yet more deeply with the apprehenfionof his Power and Glory ; and ro leave a greater impreffion upon his fpirit of his ownvilenefs, weakneis, and nochingnefs. jobwas yet too big inhis own eyes, the Lord would annihilateor make him nothing ; the Lord would beat him out ofall conceit with himfelf , out of an opinion of his own integrity and righteoufnefs, that he might fee and confefs there was no waybut to lieat his foot , abhorring himfelf , and repenting in duff and a(hes. Such to this day is the pride and flupidnefs of mans Refit , that he hardly attends the Word or Works of God , unlefs awed by force extraordinary Mini- firation. Thirdly , We may conceive the Lord appeared and fpake in this Whirlwind ,. that he might therein fuit his appearance to the iErumnofnl'o (late and condition ofJob at that time , or that he might (as is mini confi)'m?'' were) fymbolize with fobs troubled eflare. Job, as I toucht be- 'aú , mulA fore, was in a Srorm,and nowGod declares himfeif in a flormrand that is the reafon,which Come give,why the Lord appeared to,416. fer (Excd.3.2.) in a burning bulb; it was (fay they) t hat his appa- ritionmight anfwer their prefent condition.TheChildren of Ifrael were then inthe fire of affli&ion,andentangled in the bush of cruel bondage, they were fcratcht and tornwith briars and thorns ; and the Lord fipake out of a burning bulb to Mofes,.as here to Job out of the Whirlwind. Fourthly, and laffly ; T conceive therealonwhy the Lord fpake o hkn in a Storm, or Whirlwind , was to let him know that he was