Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

34 Chap. i g. AnExpofition upon the Bookp(J o s. Veil*. 6. ling places for the children of mee. The Apoftle tells us (Atis 12. a6.) That he bath not only made men to dwell on allthe face of the earth, but be bath alpdetermined the bounds of their habi- tation, that is, God hach not only made the whole earth habitable for mankind, but he bath by his Providence difpofed every man to his fpecial habitation in thisor that part of the earth.) Secondly ; Thedwellingwhich God appoints to anycreature is futable to its nature. This wild creature dwells in a wild place, in a wildernefs. This barren creature (asto anybenefit he brings toman ) God appoints to dwel in a barren land. It isPaid of Nebucbadrezzar (Dan. 5. aa. ) when for hispride he wasput from his dominion, that he had his dwelling with wildAles ; he himfelf carried it like a beaft, and he had a dwelling futable to his beaftial difpofi- tion among the beafts ; he was proud, and would not bare the Lords yoke, he cart off the bonds which God laid upon him, and thought it enough for him to lay bonds upon men, therefore the Lord (to humblehim) thruft himamong the beans. As like will to like moltly in way of ele&lion, fo fomerimes like (hall to like, though they like it not, in way of compulfion ; and ufually like are put to like perfons or places, inway of gracious ordina- tion. God himfelf appoints wild beafts to the barren wilder- neffes, tame beaus to the fruitful enclofed paftures ; he placeth men in well built Houles, Towns or Cities ; and he bath 'ap- pointed faithful men and women his Church to dwell in, which is therefore called ( though in a wildernefs) the houfe of God, (t Tim. 3. t 5.) David found that houfe more pleafing to him than any of his Royal Pallaces, and therefore made it his great requeft , The one thing of his delires (Pfal. 27. 7.) That be mightdwel in the houfe of the Lord for. ever : Even as he bitterly complained (Pfalm t 20.5,:) Wo is me, that! fojóurn in Mefech, that 1dwell in the tents of Kedar. And as the Lord bath pro- vided futable habitations for beafts,wildand tame ; for men,good and badhere onearth ; fo he hath provided futable habitations for all men, when they leave this earth. Hebath provided hell for their houfe and dwelling place for ever,whoare dìfobedient and unbelieving"; and he hush provided heaven for theirhoufe anal