Chap. 39. an Expofation upon theBook o fJo B. Verf. 6., 335 and dwelling place for ever, who believe and obey. As now all godly men dwell in God by faith (hfal. go. a.) fo they Thad hereafter dwell always with him by fruition. He that gives the wildernefs for a houle, and the barren land for a dwelling ro the wild Afs, will provide a (Faradife for the houle, and a Spring- garden of everla(ling joys and fweetnefîes for his faithful fervants. Thirdly, From there words (thebarren land his dwelling) Note ; as fome lands are barren by a Divine Maledi7ion, fo forms by Common Conflitution, Some lands become barrenby a curfe from God ; Thus he turns a fruitful land into barrennefs, for the wickednefs of thole that dwell therein(Pfal. t 7.34.) Now as fome lands are madebarren ( beides the general curie which befel all lands up- on the fall of man into fin) by fome fpecial curie, for fpecial caufes,fo¿'cis meerly an ofDivine Soveraignty,that fome+lnds, as to their very foil and conaitution are barren, while others are fruitful. Fourthly, Confider wheredo there Affes dwell ? 'cis in a barren land, Hence note ; They that do little work deferve but little reward, abarren landmay ferve themwhorefufe fervice. M every land,the bef+land is barren and unprofitable to them who will not take pains to improve it; fo 'ris pity they (hould dwell in a fruitful land, who will not take paies in ir. Fifthly, Note ; There is noplacefo bad or barren, bait bath its isle. God bath tale for barren wilderneffes, as well as for the richefi' pallures. < Sixthly, The wilde Ms livingaccording to nature, is fatisfied with a barren Land. Hence note ; Nature is content witha little, They have always enoagh, whodefzre no morn. A cottage is as good