Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 39. An Ezpofttion upon theBook, of Jo s. Verf. 6. 337 When the Dragon (that is, Heathenish Rome) perfecuted the woa man (thatis, the Church) which brought forth the man-child ; then to the woman were given two wings of agreat Eagle (that is, fuffacient means, flrength and opportunity to make her etcape) that fhe mightfleeirits the wildernefs ; which as it hath beenotten verified in a metaphorical fenle, Profeflors then lyiingclofe and retired in their feveral places, fo it bath been truc in the letter, the Church bath fled into the wildernefs for fafety,and baththere been preferved from theface of the Serpent. Secondly, Wemay delire fuch retirements to, and a dwelling in folitary places, in cafe of the extream wickednefs of thofe amongwhom we dwell; though they break not out into open persecution , yet their evil converfation makes their fociety in- tollerable. This caufed the Prophet feremiah to cry out (Chap. 9. 2.) 0 that Ihad a place in the wildernefs, that 1 might leave mypeople andgo from them (why.? ) for they be all adulterers, ass affembly of treacherous men. .For, as it is better to dwell in the corner of the houfe top, than with a brawling woman in a wilde houfe (Prov. at. 9.) fo it is better CO get into a corner, or into a wildernefs, than to live in a City, or in the faireft Palaces among men of wicked and ungodly fpiries, fuch as vexed Lot in Sodom (2 Pet. z.8.) In thefe twocafes we may imitate the wilde Afs, and dwell in the wildernefs ; but for any to make it their choice, let them confider where they have a 'rule for ir. Man is a fociable crea- ture, and ought tobe helpful and ufeful to others, and not whol- ly to confine himfelf to himfelf, as they do, ,who are and are called Ant-berets and Hermites. To ferveour Country, and to observe the Law of Nations for the Common good of mankind, is better than upon any pretence of devotion, or convene with God, to feclude our felves totally from the company and con- verfe of men. And feting God bath made us for the goodof hr- mane fociety, it is inhumane, voluntarily and eleEtively to di1- joyn and exempt our felvesfrom the Laws of fociety. e/lrifotle faid, concerning decliners of fociety, He that affectsfolitude, is Deusfrrate either a God, or a beaff ; heeither lives above man as God cloth, beliva nret, or belowman as beafis do. The Reader will eafily pardon me l rudnevivo: this short diverfioti againfl unneceflìtated foliitude , thus occa- re. Aritlot. fioned by the folitary Swelling of the wilde Afs in the wildernefs Xx and