Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 39. tinExpofition upon the BookofJoB, Ver,f;7, '339 with cares aboutir. Theremay be adouble reafon, why this wild Afs /corns, or laughs at the multitude of the City, Pita, Becaufe it is no way pleating to his nature, he bath no delire to a City, to a fociable life. Secondly, He may be laid to /corn the multitude of the City, becaufe though a multitude fhould core out of a City to take him yea, as great a multitude as a City canmake, yet he is not afraid, for he knows he can thew them a fair pair of heels, and by his fwiftnefs of foot keep out of their hands, and maintain his liberty. Farther, Thewords tranflated, Themultitudeof the City, may -rin 1 cops, be rendred, The abundanceor plenty of the City. If there be a- e.opes di- bundance any where, it is in Cities ; and therefore heaven ìs iti t, gdd.nihiï called a City, becaufe of the great abundance of all good there, ebundantia en- and all in God. Thus the word is rendred (njal. 37. 16.) A lit- upertmïiavd tle that a righteous man bath, is better than the riches 'of many civium. wicked ; that is, than all their large fums of money, of gold and lilahtinHers. Liver, asalto than their large inheritances of houles and Lands. ,am iicn`s, > > >am pmtlam The word may bear that fenfe in the Text, and 'tis a good fen le ; herbam quxre- the wildAls fawns the abundance of theCity, he cancontent him- re,quam in urba felf with the barrenLand ; he cares not thoughhe fare hard, fo fervirepro vi- he may live free from hard labour ; he fcorneth, both the mil- au copofo. Gent ergopad- titude andplenty of the Cit y ; pertatis imagí- nem,cap.24.s. Tteither regardethhe the crying of the driver. W.0 Theword is, lie heareth not, that is, he obeyeth not the crying of thedriver. This is fpoken inoppofition to tame beafis,for fuch mufc regard thecrying of the driver, elfe they mutt fmart for it ; if the driver fpeaks, they underfltand his language, they mutt mend their pace, and follow their work more clofely, or feel the drivers lath. Here then is a farther defcription of the liberty of the wild Afs; he is not brought to work by any thing that the driver can fay or do, he is not afraid either of his words or blows. The ward which we tranflate Drïver, fignifies an Oppreffor ; fo'tis rendred (job 3. i 8.) It lignifies alto an Exa1 or. The F,14'' "t- rranflare, He regardeth not the haflycall or citationof the noya. were gatherer of Taxes,or of Tribute. There are two forts of Ex- la ibm qui g f f trutueíasmcejiï- ; X x z adtors ; girt dept.