340 Chap, 39. an Expofition upon the Bockof J o a. Verf. 7. Vocatur auteur a ko-s ; Firf+, thofe that exaó Tribute; Secondly, chofe who Fxa£lor,non' exact} Labour. Now he that drives cartel, urgeth them towork tnodo qui tri- both by hand and the Tarkoema ers of the 1 p i f ue, and fo exa&s labour of them. Hence prarur- buta exigit,fe the word is ufed to ex raeliter in q get; Druf, Egypt (Exod. 5. 6.) who indeed exac9ed labour of them, and made them ferve with rigor. From thefe Oppreffors, with the Exa6tors of labour, the wild Afs is free; he is at fuch liberty, that he regards not the cry of the driver, Exa6or or Opprefor ; nor will he be brought to work by fair means nor by foul. As that was a proverbial fpeech to (hew the tranquilityof chofe times [4, 8.) Since thouart laiddown, nofeller is come up againß us; So this feems to be a proverbial fpeech, (hewing the liberty of the wild Afs at all times, He regardetb not the crying of the Driver. From the former part of the verte, When 'cis faid, He laughs at, orlearns themultitude of the City. Taking the word City, as oppofed to, the wildernefs or barren Land,, Note ; Cities as they are full of company, fo they are accompanied with all manner of outward plenty and fulnefs. If good things are to be had anywhere for love or money, it is in Cities ; and therefore they whodwell in great Cities,where there is fuch a multitude of people, and abundance of all things, (hould remember their priviledge ; 'cis a mercy they arenot in awildernefs, or in abarren Land.. Secondly, In chat it is laid, He fcorns the multitudeof the City, Note Nofociety, no companypleafetb,, but that which is fumble.. What cares the wild Afs for the company of men ? he had rather be among the wild A(fes, than among the beff and wifeft men. Bad men, who are like wild betas, fcorn the company of good men ; and it is as true of good men, that they haveno joy as the company of bad men, yea, they are often burdened with their