Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 39 an Expofitianupon the Boo(ofJo i, Verf. 7 , 3 a their company. The content of our lives loth very much conf it in our harmony with, and congeniality to thofe whom we areen- gaged to convetfe with. Thirdly,Take the word in the other fenfe, as noting the abun- dance or plenty that is in the City, the wild Afs had rather be is his barren Land than¡here. Hence we learn; Liberty is more pleating thanplenty, and a wildernefs with poor fare, than a City where there is opprefon. Betterbe fometimes in a flarving condition, than alwayes in a fearing condition, alwayes hearing the cryof the Driver. The wild Afs is content to fare hard, fo he may be free how much more then is he below aman, who parts with his true liberty, as Efau didwith his Birth-right, for a um: it! of meat, or amefs of broth ? Fourthly, Note ; Tabsdriven and forced, is grievous to btufir, much more to men.` Thewild Afs regards not the crying of the Driver, becaufe he knows the Driver cannot reach himwith his cry, much leis with his whip. The tame Afs mull regard and attend the cryof the Driver (though hebath nowill to it) whether he will or no. It was laid by the Moralifls, Man would be led, not driven ; perfwa- ded, notcompelled. The di p that have matter ve been r I ea w (hall ma at may do, and how far he may go med- dlewith it any further, than to fay, that when Chrifiin the Para- ble Paid (Luke 14. 23.) Compel them to come int. The compul- ion there intended, is only that of argumentation, exhortation and perfwafiòn by hisMini(iers, whofe divine Rhetorick in be- feeching finners tocone in, and tobe reconciled unto God, hatb fuch a power in it, as amounts unto, and may be called acompul - lion. I grant, many ale their liberty, or rather abufe ir, asan occafion to the flefh,and turn it into wantonnefs,thefe are indeed no better than wild Ales ; and though they are fuch as regard not the cry of the Driver, yet they need it. Thus the Lordbath (hewed Yob the houle and dwelling, as al- fo the liberties and priviledges of the wild Afs;, in the next cerft