42 Chap: 39, ef1n Expofition upon theBook, of J o B, Verf,.8 verfe the Lord Chews him the food or diet of the wilde Afs. Verf. 8. The range of the mountains it hicpaffure, andbe fearcheth after everygreen thing, This verte tells us where the Lord bathmade provifion for the lnzeffigatim wildAli. The Range (or as forne render, thefearch) of the moon. relontium tete,) tains is bis panure ; that is, whatfoever he learcheih and findeth pafcuum ejus, out upon'the mountains, is bis Ware. Tob fpeaketh of wicked i.e. quicquzd tn. men (Chap. 24.5.) after the manner of [bete wild Affes, find- anóntibuort ire- ing food in the wildernefs for themfelves, and for their chit- 1h dren, id eipabuli locoell.Bez. The range of themountains is hispallure. Some interpret it choice tbings,that is, the belt things,or chofe things that are molt favoury to the pallat of that beat[, thofehe picks up for his food.Mr.Broughton tranflates,Cbofen places in the mountains arefor hispanure t- As if it had beenPaid, Though he be wilds, yet he is prudent, he tales not what comes next, but he cha- fed) what is heft for him; for as it followeth, He fearchethafter every green thing. The word notes a very diligent fearch, after everygreen thing, Green things. are his delicacies, he lives upon them, and delights in them; he fearcheth after all, and feeds upon that which is heft for him ; he looksnot that man=fhould fodder him in winter, as they do tame and working castel, he looks out his own living, and picks up forcegreen thing or other all the year long. Hence note; Where Codgives dwelling, hegivesfeeding, God hath made the wildernefs and barren places for the wild Afs to dwell in, yet there is fomething for him to feed on. Secondly, Flisfood is everygreen thing. (Whence learn ; - Godgives food to all creatures convenient to their nature.) He gives green things, grafs to the beafls of the field ; but he Both not feed man with grafs, he feedethman with the finefl of the wheat, and with honey out of the rock'(Pfal. 81, 16.) And as theLord provides"futable food for the bodies of men, fo for