Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 39. An Expoftion upon the Book. of Jo B. Verf. 8. for their fouls he bath fpiritual green paflures for them (Pfd.,. 3. a, z.) The Lord is my Shepherd, Ifhall not want ; he makethme to lye down ingreen paffures ; that is, in his Word and Ordinan- ces. They are green paflures for hispeople he makes them lit down in the Promifes and in the Commandments, in the holy Prophecies and Hitlories of the written word; all which are written for our inffrultion or learning, that we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures, might have hope (Rom. t 5.4.) that is, that our faith having the truth of the Word (efpecially in the promifes) to feed upon,our hope may be faid towait for the good of the Word patiently. The holy Scriptures (I fay)sre the green pallures which the Lord bath provided for the fouls of men to feed in, and grow fat upon, The Scriptures are a bate common, a dryheath to unbelievers, they find nothing there which is food for them ; but to believers they are fat paf ures, and full of fuck greenthings as are moll futable to their talk, and nouril}ping to their fouls. Thus fpake the Prophet Ufa. 49.9, t o.) Theirpa- llures fhalt be inall high places; they (hall not hunger nor thirff, neither (hall the beat nor the Sunfume them; that is, they (hall have fafe paffage, and fufficient food, both for foul and body, for their fouls efpectally, when delivered out of their foul.prifons, or fpiritual captivity, . there fpoken or prophecyed of, under the Gofpel. Thirdly, Wild Affes frarch after every green thing, they take pains for their living ; it it be not titer, they will travel for ir, and leek after it. Hence note ; Hunger makes irrational creature:, every living creature, in. dn/trimus. They who love not labour ,` will yet take fome pains, at leafl fo much as ferves thém to get food, and keep them alive. Thofe beanswhich are moll at liberty, are in akind of bondage to their bellies. The wild Aft; (faith the Prophet, (Ter. Leib. ) didffand in the highplaces, they fnuffedup the mind like Dragons, becaufe there was nografs. How will they fearch after gafs, who are thus afflicted for want of grafs! And will not fpiritual hunger make us as induflrious as natural hunger loth ? Hungry fouls wall be feeking after every green thing, after every divine precept, after 343