Chap. 39 AnExpofationupon the Bookof J o B. Vex f.9. 3,7 the unicorn : For ( faith my Author ) 7"he 2Z,,hinoceros is a proud imperious anim t fich as will net not be Mira is man, nor be brought to obedience, living perpetually in de(art placer, and fe- curing hirnfelf from dangerby his horn. Further, It is faid of this Rhinoceros. Firu, Tnat he is a mortal enemy to the Elephant, whop he Cornu ad fang affaults fiercely ; and having (harpen'd, or as it were whetred his /maw, prepa, horn at a ragged rock, that his weapon may be fir for the bloody rat ,e pugna. battle, he wounds him under the belly, where he knows the Ele- phant is moll in danger, that beinghis fofref}part. Secondly, Some to carry the fence of the word Vnicorn to this other creature, fay,the Rhinoceros bath but one horn; where- Namquogro- as others affi-m confidentIy,that -the Rhinoceros bath two horns, vein frtextu- one uponhis Note, and another upon his B,ow, though no fo big lit ti>/ùm,. as that other. One of the old Poets (peaking of the Roman 7aiatutimpo- fports, defcribes a Rhinoceros thus , He tofred the bear that wag ftastaurxot, brought before him with his double horn. Sanllint (in his Com- a(lrh pilas. ment upon this verle ) faith he faw a Rhinoceros which was Mârt. in fun Amphithea- brought intoSpain, in whom he obferved all things answering the troEpigram. defcríption given of him by the Ancients. 22. What the ftiape or form of the rrnicarn is, as ordinari- ly painted and fet up with the Lion, as a ¡apporter of the Royal Arms , and as a fign at many common mens doors, everyone knows. Some Hiflorians (peaking of the Unicorn, paint him out thus in their books and writing,. Pliny in his eighth Book, at the one and twentieth Chapter faith, the Monocerore or Unicorn Afperrimatnr- (whom he there calls a mot} fierce lavagebeafl ) is in the general ram.Plin.t.s make or bulk of his body like a Hole, and in the 'hap of joss c'at` head like a Hart or Stag, that in the a ion of his feet he s much seal. f fh )r f Scal.Exerr.'r. like anElephant, his tail refembling the tail-of a Boar, teat he bath Zoy. Gefuier. a black horn in themidit of hit fore-head two cubits in length,' which fayothers, is not fmooth, but wreathed, and fomewhat rag- ged, and n' the very top or point exceeding (harp. He is of fo fierce Hale foram anatu. a, that he will notbe taken alive,as thefame Author affixms vivain negant from hear-faya upIl obi Yet there want not thofe who make doubt whether there be, f p ra, ye who deny that there isany fuchbeau in the compafs of Nature, as is commonly called an Unicorn, having fuch a medicinal horn as is afferted ; and therefore all thofe Scriptures, wherein chis Yy word