Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

348 Chap. 39. an Expofition sspon the Boek,of J o B. Vert, 9, word (Reem) in the Text translated Vnicorn, is ufed , They who are of that opinion,tranfl ate Rhinocerote,as not being fatisfied that there is fuch a creature as that other in the world. One of the Rabbines colieós an objeL1ion againahim from that of Moles singu?arù nu- (Dent. 3 3.17. ) where (peakingof this beafl ( Reem) he feetns rioter, ibi po to fay that he bath more horns than one, therefore no Unicorn .rtes ell pro for there defcribing the flourifhing and powerful eflate of the i1 numeromutri- Tribe of fofeph, he faith, hie horns are like the horns of an Tfni- unicor,utfit care as it that beat} wharfoever it is which is fignified by that 'ta{ unicorn;q pro ; ( a unicornium;fic Hebrew word ) had more horns chan one. We indeed tranflare arbor ponirur both words plurally, not the horns of an Vnicorn, but the horns of ij pro arboribur, Vnicorns, yet the Hebrew is fingular. However I conceive chis ram pruf,nNy objedlion is of no weight, to the denial of any fuch cream-e as confufonorw. the Unicorn, it being freqrent in Sc:ìpture to put the ungular roruminhac' number for the plural, as there Unicorn for Uaic ,ms ; and li.aguafro wens therefore that Text hach little or no force in it to invalidare their efi,Merc opinion,who afhert that there is fuch an one- horned animal,. Ì" c æfar seals- Now as to the Text in hand, it may fuffice my ur ore leav- ger,dicit fe Y Yp- p vidiffe mono- ing farther fearch of thefe c:hh,ings to Naturali(ls ) to fay, that the cerotarornu, Hebrewword Reem lignifies a wild bea(l, very fierce and furious, &quidem di- ufually called an Unicorn, or exprel'ed by a word fignifying a verfi colon, beat} havingbut one horn in Greek, Latine, and Englifh. uf' unumf f b!u-um But though I (hall not deliver any opinion of my owl to the teum,&c. contra-y, yet I fuppofe it will not be unpleaung to the ingenuous - and learnedReader, if before I proceed with my own medita- rions, upon what is laid in this Chapter, about this creature, I here inferc the difcourfe and opinion of that learned Phyutian, and Divine Critick, Doctor ,rnoldtuBooties, in the third Book of his Sacred Animadverfions upon the Hebrew Text of the Old Teflament, and the firli Chapter of that Book e The fubfiance of which I have gathered, and in moll places (ranflated word for word, as followed-) ' That the word Reem ( faith he ) is the name of fome certain `Animal all Writers agree ; but what this Animal is, is not ' agreed. Hierome renders it fornetimes a Rhinocerote, fome- ' times an Unicorn ; and fo do fome others in tranflating the Bi- ' ble. 'Pagnine tranflaces it only once a Rhinocerote, in all other ' places where it occurs, an TVnicorn; yet in his Di6lionary he 1 ' Teems to incline, that the word Ggnifyeth. a Rhinocerote, rather ' than ;kp,r,i,Lll ,