Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

"Flo Chap. 39. an Fxpolition upon the Book of J o 8. Vetr.g. Elephants. And this is the more to be marvelled at, becaufe Ivory ,which is nothing elfe but anElephants toodi, was fo well ' known and common in India. Now, iE the Elephant, of whofe 'teeth they had plenty, and which were bred in great numbers Countries much nearer than Judea, was follicle known to the 'Jews, who can believe that the Unicorn, which was proper to India, fhould be known to them ? But we have another, and that a fironger argument, againa this interpretation ; namely, that we 'account the report of this Unicorn to be a meet fable, and that no fuch animal, as this is defcribed and commonly believed to be, is at preCent in the ' the world, or ever was. For Clelias,a molt vain man, and who, moved only with a love to lying, bath brought in very many, and thofe mofi monfirous figments in his books of the Indians, is the father of this fiory, from whom Pliny, e/Elian, and all whohave written of the Unicorn, received and took it up. And that Clefias lied, as in many other things, fo in this alfo, we may hence conje6ture, becaufe this animal was never feenat; in whole (hews, all the rareft animals Which thishalf part of the world, containing Afia, with Europe- and Africa, ever produced, were wont to beprefented to publick view, and. chafe not only fetcht from within the bounds of the 'k,,mane power, but from the Empire of the Parthians, and from the. furtheft parts of India and vEthiopiii. For to omit many other wildbeafls,Tigers, &c. (none of which were bred in the ''Ronrane Territories ) Rome often fawRhinocerotes, which are bredonly in India. So that Arifiddes fpake but the truth in his Encomium of Rome, when he faid, all things meet here, whatfoever is bred or made ; and whatfoever is not feen bere, to be reckoned among thole things which are not, nor ever were. 'Seing then, in thofe many ages,wherein that cuftome continued, of filevving the tirangell be.aas that couldbe found all the world over at Rome, the Unicorn, among all the (+range heels, was never feenthere, it gives a ground of thong furpition, that there "Is no fuch animal in the whole compafs of nature. Moreover, in thefe times, wherein no corner of the world bath been unfearcht, and all things in theth as well known tote, as thofe which are bred at our own homes.. there is no man will fay,that he ever faw this animal,ekept beelovicstePearternannees, who