Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 39. AnExpofttion neon the Book of 3 o B. Verf. 9. 3 S,t ' who writes that he had Peen two. But it weakenshis credit in this report, both-that he is found in other matters to cell fables ' for truths, asalto, becaule what he faith of the Unicorn, dif- ' f ers fo much from what hath been Paid by others. Certain is is, that cjarcias ab Ilarto, in chofe many years which he fpent it ' India, as Phycitian to the Kings Vicegerent (in all which time, ' he had great acquaintance with very many learned men of that ' Country, and had the favour of their Icings, and was hirnfelf a moti diligent fearcher after fuch like matters, He, I fay) did not only not fee any Unicorn there, but could not get any cer- tain information concerning him ; only he met with fore per- ' ions, who told him, that in the furthefl parts of Africa they had ' teen a beau having but one horn. Yer, fuppofe thefe men told ' him the truth, it makes nothing as to the Unicorn fo much fpoken of, with which that, acco.dingto their obfervation, bath ' little agreement ; that being anAmphibian, and having a horn ' not palling two handfuls in length. My ownCountry-man alto, ' Johannes Hagonis Linfchotitta, who was an induflrious inquirer ' after Natural things, having refided twelve whole years in the ' Cicy Goa, one of the moll famous among all the Cities of In- ' dia, andto which is brought whatfoever is rare and of efleem ' in chofe Countries, did never fee an Unicorn, nor yet hear by ' any worthy of credit, that therewas any loch animal in all thole ' parts, and therefore accounts the report of an Unicorn to be meetly fabulous ; as may appear by what he writes in the 47th Chapter of his Itinerary ; where (peaking of the Rhinocerore ' he faith, that is taken by many for the Monocerote or Vaicorn : ` Forafmuch as no ocher Tlnicorn is found or known, but only in reports and pi lures. ` We have (hewed what moveth us not to silent to them, ' who fay,that by the word Ream, pre are to underhand the Teri corn. And they who render it the Rhinocerate, may with no lets cafe be refuted. And the firli argument brought againfl the 'former expofition, may ferve here ; feeing the Ehinocerote is ' onlybred in chofe remotefi parts of the Eail, Be'gata, Parane ' and Carnbaya, all which lye beyond the RiverGanges, in the ut 'trioli India. ' But betides this, thereare two other unanf«erable arguments againli that interpretation.