Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

352 v ontto erat Cornu cuiPila nanna era:. Chap. 39. an Expofition upon theBook of J o a. Verf. 9° Firf}, From their horns. Thofe animals .called Rum have very large horns, but the Rhinocerote: have very 1mall ones : And though (Martial the Poet feems to fay the contrary, while fpeaking of the Rhinocerote, he faith, Plow pnverfal way he with ` his horn, who could tofc a Bull with it like a Ball ! And though 11Tcolaua Contiva in his Itinerary, reports it as longas a mans ` arm, yet experience and eye-fight have confuted them ; to ' which it appears, that the horn of the Rhinocerote is very thick ` and firong at the root, yet very fhorr : For Gefner tells us, that ' his horn.planted upon his Noce, rieth no higher than his Ears, ' and therefore it cannot be long. Bracer makes ufe of thisargu- ` men-, in his Commentary upon the zd Pfalm, affirming that the ' bight of the horn, afcribed to that animal the Rears, will not agree with the Rhinoceros. The Second argument is grounded upon the unconquerable iïercenefs of that animal called Recm; whereas the Rhinocerote, 'though with fome difficulty, may be in fume meafure tamed, as bath been feel] in thole at feveral times brought introPor- ' toga/. Thus laying allele ( for the reafons foremencioned) that in-. ' terpretacion, which makes this Been; to beeither theUnicorn or the Rhinocerote, we are now to confider what animal this ' Rum fhould be : And furely it cannot laut be fome beat! (Ba- ' bulo generoaffinis) of the race of Bulls or Bullocks ; feeing in ' manyplaces of Scripture, mention is made of the Rennin: and ' Bullocks together, as intimating that they are animals of a near cognation ,or likenefs , Dent. 3 3. r 9. PfaI. 27. 6. Ifa. 34. 6, 7. In this lall place the Prophet having named three living ' Creaturesof one kind (ver. 6. ) towir, Lambs,andGoats, and Rams ; Reafon may perfwade our belief, that in the7th or fol- ' lowingverfe (which feems to run parallel with the former) the ' Prophet obferves the fame rule of fpeaking ; and to thofe two ' Bulloc! s andBulls, joyns this third called Reemim, being beaks ' belonging, at leali, to the fame kind with them. ' I find the fame confirmed Pfal. 22. by comparing chofe wordsof the 12. verje, Many Bulls have compaffed me;Prong ' Bulls of Bafhan have befet me round ; with thole of the 2r. ' (which anfwer them) Save me from the Lion: mouth, hear me (we read) thaw be heardme) from the horns of the Reemims '(we