chap. 39; AnExpof;tionupon the Baokof j oE, Verf.9. 353 (we rendred Unicorns) as if the Pfaltnift intended under the ` word Reemi,, a fort of beans much like in kind, if not of the fame kind, with the Bullocks and ftrong Bulls of BOJm, fpo- `kenof before (as the learned Author endeavours there to make out more largelyand dillin&ly) to whomI refer the Reader. By what hath been raid, I fuppofe we have made it appear 'plainly, that the beet meant by this word Reeno, is an animal ' neer in kind to the Bull or Bullock,whichcan be no other than a `wild Bull or Bullock, which is to other Bulls or Bullocks, as ` wild Swine, Boars or Sows, are to thofe which are tame, or live ' and feed about our houfes. But feeing there are feveral forts of ` there wild Bulls or Bullocks, we do not conceive the word ' Reem, CO be a common appellation which, maybe given to them ' all, but that it fignihes force one certain fort among them. To ' find our -which, will not be hard to thole who confider what 'the Scripture holds out concerning the beaft there called ' Reem; namely, the eminent grearnefs of his horns , and ç the eminent greatnefs of his ftrength ; both which `are afcribed to him, not only Deuteronomy 33. 17. and ' Pral. 2z, but ?fat. 9 z. a o. My horn (halt thou exalt, lire to ' the horn of aReem ; i, e. Thou (halt exalt it greatly and ftrong ' ly, even like the horn of aRem. This makes it evident,.chat this Reem cannot be that beaft which Ariflotle calls Bonafoes, nor that which later Writerscall Bubalus or Beefalus (we in Engliríh, `aBine) which is fo far from being better fitted by his horns for fight and force, than our Bulls, that his horns are indeed al- ' together unfit for either ; as Ariflotle Chews (lib. 3. de part. `Ani,. cap. 2.) his horns being turned inward, and one agairtt ` the other, and therefore (as he faith, lib. 9. Hill. Animal. cap, ' 45.) are unufeful for his oìvn defence. The horns indeed of ' fame of chorebeafts, are of another falhion, as Gefner defcribes ' them, and álfo Scaliger, E.uerc. nog. Seat. . but all concludes them unfit to fight with, becaufe they all are either turned one ' againft another, or point downward. Now though this beaft which e/riflotle calls Bonafaas, others `Bubalus or Bufalus, be of fuch great ftrength, as alto of fuch `fiercenefsand untra&ablenefs, as may well fuit the defcripticn `which the Scripture gives of the R. em;yet the form and fa(hi ` on of his horns will by no means comply with ir, notwithßand- Z z ing