3s8 Chap. 59. an Expofittonupon the Bookof J o. a. Verf. 9 Readers judgement, anddo that reverence to our Tranflation,as toopen the Text diffinaly, in all that is here faid by the Lord concerning the Rum, under that name or title, Vnicorn. Will the T/nicorn.be willing to ferve thee ? In there words, the Lord prefents man, as it were, inviting, wooing, hiring the Unicorn to ferve him. But when he bath ufed all his skill and cunning,when he hathdonehis hell and Nora too, that is, flied all manner of means, the Unicorn will not by any means be wrought upon, to come under mans yoak, or do his work. Will theVnicorn Be willing to ferve thee ? Towill, is an aft of reafon, and therefore to be willing, is not proper to irrational Animals ; yet to will and to be willing, may allufively be given to them : They have a kind of will, and an rimA propenfa ani underflanding befitting their kind. The Hebrew word fignifies (no fuit undo to will with much readinefs and propenficy of mind, it fignifies pater, à willingnefs with delight ; and thence comes the Hebrew word propenfava- for a Father becaufe a Father is willing and ready to take care libeltavene ersm of, andprovide for his children, though it coil him much travel ros. and pains. But, Nam acquiereet will the Unicorn bewilling to ferve thee ? will he be a ready 1er- eut confentiet yam to thee ? he will not. As if it had been faid, The Unicorn fuapton. is an indocible, and an untraaable animal ; he will not be brought aura, tit alai to hand, he will neither bear the ,oak, nor wear the bridle, nor en- fulliciatur ? lure to be harnefed like the Oxand Horfe ; let man do what he will, what be can with him, he will neithergo to Plow nor Cart, nothe. Hence note, Firil ; Service fhould be donewith willingnefs, or with thewill. It fs the commendation of a fervant, when he cloth his Mailers work withhis will, more than with his band. Man lhould be as willing to ferve, as he is to be ferved, as willing to obey, as to rule ; nor cloth any man know truly how to command, but he that knows how to obey, and whencalled, is willing to obey in the fervice of God ; nothing is done to him, unlefs it be done with the will, and therefore the full effea of the work of the grace of God upon the heart of man, is comprehended in this one