Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 39. AnExpoftion upon theBook. of J o a. Verf. 9, 3 59' one word(Pfal, a at). 3.) Thy peoplefhall be willing in the dayof thy power. They were once like theunicorn in the Text, that will not ferve; but in the day of thy power when the word comes upon them in the power of the Spirit, they (hall ferve with all manner of dutiful readinefs and willingnefs. Some men are not at all wrought to the fervice of God ; others ferve him but are not willing to ferve,they do it by conftraint, not willingly ; for bate fear of lofs,.or for baler hope of filthy lucre, not of a ready mind-; upon which carnal terms the Apoftle Peter warns the Mi- . nifiers of the Gofpel to take heed they feed not the flock of God (a Epifl. 5. i.) Nothingbut a dayof power conquering the will, rendersus willing to ferve Chrif}, willing to fnbmic to the yoak of ChriP, tobe bound in his furrow, and to harrow the valleys after him, that is, to do any work that he calls us to. Service fhould be with the will, and 'Cis fo by grace. That's the fitft thing which the nature of the unicorn is again(}, as to the fervice of man ; he bathno will to it. Secondly, Note ; Some bsaftshave a kind of willingnefs to ferve man. = That fome beafts have fuch a willingnefs, is more than imply- ed, while'tas Paid, that Come have not. As the wild Afs before- was fpoken of inoppolition to the tame, fo here the unicorn is fpoken of in oppelition to the Oxor Horfe ; who though they are not properly willing to ferve, yet they will not alwayes refufe fervice, but freely at laft,or after a while, cake the yoak and re_, ceive the bridle. The Apofile faith (Rom.8.zo.)The creature is made fubjcI to vanity,not willingly. The creatures are not willin=g to ferve the lulls of men, yet many of them are willing to ferve the occafions and necef icies of men. 'Tis through theTin of man that the creature is made fubje& to vanity.; but it is through the appointment of God that the creature is made fubje61 to duty, and that with a kind of willingnefs, Thirdly,'Tis Paid here of the Unicorn, as of the wild Al's be- fore ; Canft thou make him willing ? when thou haft ufed fair means, foul means, one way or other, will he ferve thee ? he will not, Hence.