Chap. 39. a/1n,Expol4tion upontheBoo ofJ o a. Verf. 36 t At firfi, all creatures were fubjet to man; notonly the Ho.fc, and the Ox, and all thenowcame creatures, but the fierceti Li ens, Tygers, Bears, Unicorns, were all in fubje6tion to man, ac- cording to that foveraign power given man by God, in the day that God made him (gen. r . 27, 28.) So Gal createdma'o in hie own image, in the image of God created he hins ; male andfemale created he them. AndGodbleffed them, andlaid to them, befruit ful,and multiply,and replenifh the earth, and Juudue it, andhave do- minionover the Alves ofthefea,andover the fowls oftheiair,andever every living thing that moved) upon the earth. The original grand Charter of mans Soveraignty,was extended over the Unicorn and the Lion, &e. And therefore when creatures are not willing to ferveman,efpeciallywhen they rife upagainli mán,ler man remem- ber his fin in not obeying the Soveraign command of God. Had not man been unwilling to fubmir to and ferveGod, no creature nLIM non hadbeenunwilling to ferve man. We may fee our own negle6 omnia anima- or refuCal to ferve God, in the refufal of any creature to ferve us; lia homini fee we may fee our own rebellionagainfi God, by the rebellion of the viunt fignurn creaturesagainfi us. Linters man had departed from God by fin, d?& tow none of the creatures had departed from their fubjeclion to peccati. man.' The fin of man loofed the creatures f:-om that bond of fe.- vice to man, in which, and to which they werecreated. Will the 1 oaicorn be willing to ferve thee ? Obferve,Sixthly ; Thole C'resttures which will not do ferviceunto man, bat live meerly,ta themfelves, are wild or fierce. There clearly referrable the condition of thole men who live only to themfelves, or who fervenone but themfelves. What- ever fome men do they ferve themfelves only, they tepee( no mans good, either fpiritual or temporal, betides their own ; were it not that they had a chief refpea to their private ends and in- teretis in ferving, they would never ferve. A gracious fpirit is willing ro ferve his neighbour, to ferve his brother, as well as o* with himfelf. Chrifi tells us, his Difciples fhould be fo far from (crying themfelves only, that they fhould not ferve them- felves at all-; he that will be my Difciple (faith our Lord Je- fus Chrift, (Mat. t6. ad..) Let him deny himfelf, that is, not ferve nor Peekhimfelf, either contrary to the good of others, or with a neglea of their good. Therefore they who in all they do, Aaa do