Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

362 Chap. 39. an Expofition upon the Book of J o a. Verf, 9, do all for themfelves , live upon no better terms, nor coany nobler ends, than the Unicorn or wild Afs, who are not willing to ferve any man. Let others fink or fwim,(fay fuch ) they care not,they will look to their own. Seventhly and Laffly, Though God bath made a fort of crea- cures that (as the cale (lands) will not ferve man, nor contribute any help to him yet rhefe creatures livenot in vain to God, nor are they altogether unferviceable to man, though they have no will to ferve him. For, Firff, They declare the power and wildomeof God, both in making and governing them, and in that they declare his praife. Godwould not give any creature a being, that did not one way or other, let forth his praife in the world ; there's much of God fhining in thofe creatures, which than bath no fervice by (Pfaff. 14S.) 'praife him ye Dragons, and all Deeps. Dragonspraife God,they raife up a revenue of glory to God,thoughman get no fervice from them. Secondly, Such creatures adorn the univerfe; the world is beautified with their variety. Thirdly, Even fuch creatures ferve man when they are dead, though they will not while they live ; Come parts of them are Medicinal, and many ufeful to man. The Unicorn, who will ferve no man living while he lives, yet his horn is accounted a great Antidote againfi Poyfon, and fo is a means to prevent the death or prolong the life of many oren. So then, there is no crea- turebut is ferviceable to God and man force way or other. And though it may be truly Paid of force men, as of the Unicorn, with relpea to man, they will not ferve God, yet God hath ferviceby them. Will the Vnrcorn be willing to ferve thee ? Or abide by thy Crib? A Crib is that in which an Oxe or an ACs feeds, (Ifa. r. ;. The Oxe b<noweth his Owner, and the "Ifshis Mafiers Crib ; that is, the veffel in which he.ufeth to be fed. Solomon faith (`Prov. 1 4.4 )Where no Oxen are,theCrib is clean, that is, the Crib isnot tiled, and fo remains clean. If none come into a Room, the Room is clean. In one fenfe, where Oxen are,the Crib is clean, that is, theyeat up ail the fodder put into it. But inSolomoos -fenfe, where no Oxen are the Crib is clean, becaufe no fodder is put into ic. The Lord having faid, the Unicornwill dono work, adds