364 Chap. 39. AnExpofziontiponthe BoaklofJ'o a. Verf,i©, vengeance upon them that detain or keep is back. The lawof God givenby Mofes (Deút.24; r g.) commanded that the labou- rers hire íhould be paid him prefendy;hishire was not to be kept from him, DO not for a night. As if the Lord had raid, he hath - been willing to ferve thee all the day, therefore let him carry his wages home at night, to comfort his Wife and Children. The Lord is very jealous in this thing; if a beat} ferve he muff havea 1t?draturad Crib ;aodThall not man ? præfepeD O.ae of the Ancients applies this in a fpirirual fenf, to hearing ni, qui verbo the Word- of God : The wicked will not ferveGod, nor will Deiaudiendo they abide by his Crib ; they will not come where their .fouls :ndefinenter' may y be fed to eternal life, where they may have clean Proven- t.operamt. ßiá ul},: der, -as the Prophet fp_aks Ufa. 30.24) that. is, found and wholefome do&-rine, direeling them both what to believe, and how to live, that they may be Paved and live for ever. The Lord having in chis 9th verfe Pet forth the lawlefs life of the Unicorn ; Fir(}, By his unwillingnefs to ferve man; Se- condly, By his independence upon man for his livelihood : Pro - ceeds to confirm and illuflrate the fame thing, the fiournefs or pride of the Unicorn, and Co his utter unferrviceablenefs unto man, by his refufal to be engaged in any of thofe labourswhich are neceffary to husbandry. Firfl,The Plowing, Secondly, The Harrowing of the ground. Thirdly, The Inning or Bringing home of the corn. His refufal of, the firfl of thefe fervices,wee have-in the for- mer part of the next or tench aierfe Verf. io. Calif!. thou bind the1/nicorn withhis band in the furrow ? Thou canfl nor. Beets life to be bound with cords to their work, they will hardly elfe abide by their work. Neither reason nor religion binds beafls to their work, therefore cords mull. The word here rendred to bind, Ggnìfiech very fall and íirong binding, and inch is binding with cords. Mofes ufeth the word (Dent. r t. aB.) with refpedl to the Divine Law, which God commanded the people of ¡frael, to bind as frontlets between their eyes, and fo to hold them fall for ever. The word is tired alto ( Nih.46.) to note the fixing of flones in a Building or Wall, by Lime, Ce- tnenr, or Morter, and all the Wall was joyned together unto-the . =alf thereof; that is, the Wall was faflened and cemented half high