Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

:.3'66 Chap. 39. an Expofition upon the Book of J o B. Verf. to. 28. 24. ) Dots the Plow-man Pillowall day to Sow ? doti, he open and break, the clods of the ground? when he bathmade plain the face thereof? doth henot raft abroad the fetches, &c ? Here'sa de- fcription of this work of the husbandman Plowing and Harrow. in or making plain the face of the ground, all in an allegory, intendinga very fpiritual workof God, in breaking and harrow- ing the heart of man by afiliaion, and making is thereby fit to receive the feed of the Word Thus alto fpake the Prophet (Hof.. ¡o. t -r.) Judah fhall plow,cod Jacob fhall break hisclods, thàt is, Jacob (hall Harrow. The Prophets meaning is, that the Lord would bring them into a labouring Rate of life, even into captivity, where they mua Plow, becaufe they had Plowed ini- .quity, and had not Plowed up the Fallow ground of their hearts by repenting of their iniquity. Will theYnicorn Harrow The Dalliesafter thee? Some render the wo:d,Farrows,which lye like Valleys between the Ridges. But the word more properly fignifieth Vallie: ; and they are molt commonly Plowed and Sowed with Corn, as Hills are referved for Pallure. Will he Harrow the Valpes After then ? That is, will the Unicorn be led by thee ? The Harrower go- eth before the Horfe, or that whichdraweth the Harrow, and the bean followeth ; or thus, will he Harrow the Valleys after thee ? That is, after thou haft Ploughed them. As if the Lord had Paid, will he either be driven or led ? thou canft not make him Harrow ? thou .cana not lead him on in that work. Thus we have the Unicorns refufal of thofe labours, in which other beafls, the Oxe andthe Horfe efpecially, are very common- ly ufed. Now for as much as the Husband -mans work is defcribed, by 'Plowingand Harrowing. Note,Fira; We cannot get our ordinary food without much labour. TheHusband-mans life, is a painful life;Plowing and Harrow- ing are hard labours; and what isall this for ? but to bring forth the aeceffaries of mans life, bread to firengthen mans heart, and by