;chap. 39. 4,5',31 fxpotion upon the: Bóok of ,o B.. ,Verf.I1, 369 withmuch confidence, and refs of the mind ; as 'tis laid (1/4.12. 2.)I will truft,andnot be afraid.Confidence,upon a`good ground, leads usinto a full, aswell as a good fecurity ; I wïll trait, and not be afraid, for the Lord Jehovah is myfirengthr faith the be- lieving foul in that place. But faith the Lord here to job; Wile thou trill this flrong beet without fear or icaloufie ? wile"thou truly Becaufe hisfirength is great ? The firength orforce of his body is great,verygreat,but the force or flubbornnefs of his will, that is, his wilfulnefs is far greater , flo Proprf,1 even fo great, that it will not fuffer him to lay out the flrength of fgnficatvii5. his body for the fervice of man. We find firength often attribu- rem ilium tor. ted to the unicorn inScripture (Numb. 23. 22.) He, (that is, gaiconftttlirA God, or lfrael, through the pretence of God with him, as was humidorads. thawed before) bath as it were the firength of an Ynicorn, 'ris calï. not Paid, he bathas it were the firength of an [-forte, or of an Ox, which are very thong creatures, but of anVnicorn ; there- by implying, that the Unicorn is a crear ure of fuchgreat thengh, that he knew not where to find a fironger. The Unicorn hash firength enough for his work, but he hash nomind to his work and therefore wilt thou trail him becaufe his firength is great -? Hence note, Firfl ; Greatftrengthis requiredforgreat roar. There are force works that are done, not fomuch by firength as byart,or as it were,by flight of hand; fuch a work a feeble weak man maydo : but there are other works which require great flrength;all the wit,and skill,and Iearning,& cunning of men,can- not do them, unlefs they have a futable,that is, a great portion of firength for the doing of them. David (Pfat, t 4.. 14.) defcri. bing the temporal felicity of his people, makes this reqúefl fdc them, That our Oxen beftrong to labour. The labour cf the Ox isgreat, and therefore he needsgreat firength to do his work and go throughwith his labour. Note, Secondly; Theywho havegreat firength, may dogreat ì arks. reatfirength is a great advantage for fervice, If the Unicorn B bb would