Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

37® Chap. 39. an Expofitionupon the Book, of J o 3. Verf. y t, would imploy and put out his ffrength, he might do much, Strength et body is a talent, much may be done by that ; flrength ofmind is anexcellent talent,much more,very much more may be done by that. But when a man bath much ffrength of body and mind together, what may not he do ! Let thole who have much ffrength, confider how they ufe ir. For a man to have the flrength of an Unicorn, much bodily ffrength, and make no ufe of it, is to become more beaffly than the Unicorn. Affrong manrejoyceth to runa race (Plat, r 9, g,) He that hashgreat flrength, may run a great race. A race requirerh great ffrength, and he that bath ffrengch,or is a ffrong man,fhould rejoyce to run it,Afirong man, if he have an heart and a will to his work, delighteth in his work more than in his reward, Note, Thirdly ; Some haveftrength enough to domuch work,, to do great and good things,yet are not at all to be traoJed with thedoing of any thing that is great orgood. Strength is not alwayes to be truffed. There is a twofold trufl in ffrength ; Fìrll, There is a trufl in flrength as to confidence in it for fuccefs ; and thus we are not to trufl any ffrength in the world, neither our own nor others. Curled is the man that trult- rth in man, and maketh fiefh his arm (Ter. 17. 5.) The arm of fiefh is coo weak to be truffed in, thoughnever fo ffrong; though it have the flrength of the Unicorn, it muff not be truffed ; no creatures flrength is to be truffed in, as todependence upon ir. Secondly, There is a trufling of ffrength as to the ufing and im- ployingof it ; thus flrength may be truffed. We may trufl the flrong that they will ufe their flrength for us, only we mull not reff in their ftrength. They who (like the lanicorn in the Text) havegreat ffrength, and yet are not to be trolled that they will cafe ir, are in a much worfe condition than they who have no flrength to ufe, or to make them any way ufeful. There are three forts of men to be confidered, in refpea of flrength, Firff, Some have a will todo more than they have flrength to do ; they have a will to do more in ordinary work, than-they have flrength to do, and they have a will to do more in extraor- dinary work & duty,than they have flrength,and ability to do.The Apoffle fpeaking of the labourof love or charity, in the mini- flration of the good things of this life, to chore that Rand in Ve