372 Chap. 39. an Expofstion upon the B00%. of Jo s. Verf. yet they have no mind to ferve but hide their Talent in a Nap -< km, and put their Candle under a Bufltel a. Thefe are not to be trufied, though they are well furnitlaed. I may fay to any man, concerning fuch men, as the Lord to oh, concerning the Uni- corn ; Writ thou trufl them, becaufe their firength; is great ? be- caufe their firength ofmind, their firength ofbody, their firength o elate is great ? Can we trufl all rtch men that they will do works of charity, becaufe their efiate is great ? Can we trufl.all healthy men, who have found and able.limbes, ghat they will cake pains, becaufe their bodily firength is great ? Can we ttua all knowing men, as ho have quick parts, and excellent gifts, much knowledge, that they will go through with their work, becaufe the firengthof their minds is great ? We can hardly find any to miff, what firength foever theyhave, but thofe who have recei- ved firength of grace fromGod, and fo have firength of faith in God, firength of love, firength of affeticns to God, firength of zeal for God. And even they who have firength of grace, may fail their stuff very truch ( fob4. 18) Behold he put no trufi in his Servants, and his Angels he charged with folly.. The Lord could not be confider of. Argos, who are mighty,ìn firength, If God fhould leave Angels to themfelves, they would foon fail; it is becaufe Angels are confirmed by. grace (.Chrifl being the head of Angels ) that they fiand fart to their work, and abide by their duty, elfe the Lord could not truft Angels with all their created firength ; much lefs thencould the Lord trtkfl the ()ea of Saints with all the fpiritual firength he-hath planted in them, did he not continually confirm them, and quicken them (to the work which he bath called them to ) by his holy Spirit. No further than any man trufieth in Chrifi for firength, or maketh Chrift his firength as well as his righteoufnefs, is he to be tarried with the doing of any work, any more than the Unicorn, howmuch foever his firength is ? Manyare fet a work, and dowork, becaufe their firength is great,but none (in a due fenfe) can be trufled, but they whomake Chrifi their firength, and look daily tohim for i_r.: Wilt thou erase bins, becaufe his firength is great ? Or wilt thou leave thy labour to h'm ? This latter part of the Verfe is of the fame importance with the former, yet I íkaafl touch a little upon it. wilt thou leave thy