374. Chap. 3 q. an Expofition upon the Boob of J o B. Verf. labour, not the fruit of ir. Wilt thou leave thy labour to him? that is, wilt thou leave thy bufinefs with him ? wilt thou null himwith thy Plow or with thy Harrow ? And ( confider the de- pendance) if thou darefl not [lull him, thenthouwilt not leave thy labour unto him. Note hence, Fir(i ; It is not wifdom to leave our work, to fuch as we cannot truff, Our work will be ill done, or half done, or not done at all by thofe that we cannot trufl. We trufi thole much, to whomwe leave our bufinefs; and there are three things requifitt in chore to whom we leave it. Firfl, That they have flfength and ability for ìt; there is alne- ceflity of that : Nowife man will truli or leave his bufinefs with him that bath no firengah to do it, no ability for ir. Secondly, Thai they be Cubic&and obedient to us. Nn wife man will leave his bufinefs in thehand of thofe who acknowledge no obedience nor fubjeóion to him, how much ftrengrh foever they have. An unCubmitting firength work againft us rather than for us. Thirdly, That theybe faithful. Noman will leave his bufi- nefs toa perfon of firer;rh and in fubjeEtion to him, if he be not hone(l to him. Solomon bath fufficiently caution'd us again(} trufl- ing fuch, while he faith ( Prow, 25. 19. ) Confidence in an un- fairhfal man in time of trouble ('cis true allo in time of peace ) u like a broken tooth, anda foot out of joint. A broken tooth can- not chew our meat,and a foot out ofjoynt can worfe go a journey; an unfaithful man will prove a worfer fervanr to us, than the worli of there. And as it is thus among men , they will not leave their bufinefswith an Unicorn , with one that bath (trengch , but yeilds no fubjeólion,nor ever (hewed any laithfu?nets ;foGod will not leave his labour, his work and fervice to fuch as are like the Unicorn ; he will not leave it in inch hands, as have great ability to carry if through,yet want 6bedienc_ to his will,and faithfulnefs in his work.There mutt be a concurrence of there three,ilrength, fubjeâion,and faïthfulrefs,inall thofe to whom, the LordGod,the God only wife, will leave his labour, or commit the doing of any fervice for him. But where thefe three meet and center an any perfon,