Chap. 39. An Expofstion upon the Bookof J o Br , Verf.-I I. perfon, tirength of body and mind, fubmitiiion of will,and faith- fulnefs to a work ; how great things may they do in the fervice- whether of Cod or Man ? Secondly, Obferve Awill, a mind to work, or a willing mind to work, is better than great ftrevgtb. As the Unicorn with his great arength, fo theywho are like the Unicorn in arength, may do little or nothing. But they that have only a lirtl_ arength, and a mind to be doing, have done, and maydo much. Little arength is a kind of weaknefs, yet where there is a willing mind, weaknefs will do more than great ftrength without a willing mind. We have a common laying John is a goodfervavt when will is at home. Willingnefs to work, works better than bare arength : We have this conclufion (2' eh. 4. 6.) So built we the wall ( Nehemiah fpake there of the Jews return'd from Babylon) Andall the wall was joyned together unto the half thereof. For the people bad a mind (or as the Hebrew is,an heart) to work. The wall of a great City being loon railed half up, the realon givenwas, becaufe they bad amind to work. The Jews at that time, were a people under fo much weaknefs, that the enemies jrar'd them with it (ver. 2.) tfhat will thefe feeble Jewsdo ? will they fortifie themfelves ? will they facrifice ? will they make an end in a day ? will they revive the ftones out of the heaps of rub6ifh,? &c. Will they workmiracles ? remove moun- tains ? But how feeble foever they were,the workwent on amain,. For the people bad a mind, a heart to work. Though they were no Unicorns, no people of great arength ; though they were feeble Jews , yet they attained to half their work quickly : Strong hearts and feeble hands, will difpatch a butnefs better and fooner, than ftrong bands and feeble hearts. 'Tis thus, as in corporal fo in fpiritual labour, where there is a mind to the work, though we have but a little arength, we fhall do great things. This was the high commendationof the Church of 'Philadelphia (T{rv. 3. S.) rhohaft a littleftrength and haft kept my word, and haft not de-, nied my name. He Both a great deal of work for God, who keeps the word ofGed. But how unfi t the Unicorn is, or any ftrong one like the Unicorn, tobe milled, or have labour lac with the.rn, apb pears further in the next verfe. 311