-376 Chap. 39. eiln Expoftion upon the BöólZöf 1,0 B. Verf,tz Verf. 12. ,'wilt thoubelieve him that be will bringhome thy feed, andgather it into thy barn. 1n8 inHphil Here is another pieceof fervice which the Unicorn might not áákZ i eredi be truffed with ; milt thou believe him, &c. The root-word dttfifuseft. fi nifieth that ao} of faith which we put forth upon God,. for our Cre leve in free jollification and eternal falvation, as allo for our fultenration 4-)ewn, ere- under, and deliverance from any trouble inward or outward, of .dere Den,fya,- foul or body in and for all which the 'raft live by faith. There is tymafunt,re- i Y peritur etiam believingGod, and believing in God, both which are expref- credere inDeo. lions fometitnes of a like importance ; Wilt thou believehim, or Druf. in him, faith God of the Unicorn ? As if he had laid, Suppofe thoucouldit get a promife from the Unicorn, that he will bring ntr quad red- home, or return thyfeed (fo the Hebrew firmly) that he will dat,Mont reta. make thy feed to return ; or (as we render frilly) bring it homel Mrum ems. Jun. Wilt thou take his word, or believe him that hewill keep his word, that he will indeed return or bring home Thy feed ? Credefnèquad Seed may be taken two wayes. rotaturusf't Firfi, For that which is tobe fowed it is ordinary with the femcaa taum Husband -man, to call that feed-corn which he referveth for fow- ad terras tuas ? ing. The grain or corn intended to be fowed on the earth, is g7atab. properly feed-corn; in allufionwhereunto the Pfalmift faith(Pfal. z x6.6.) He thatgoeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious feed, fcall doubtlefs come again with rejoycing, bragging his fheaves with ham. The people of God mourning and praying, fow precious feed. Believing prayers and repenting tears never failed, nor shall ever fail, ofamerciful, of aplentiful Harveft, or of a plen- tiful Harveít of mercy. Some underhand this Text thus ; tYilt thou believe that he will return thy feed ? will he-do this fervice for thee ? will he carry thy feed, which is to be fown, into the field ? But though that be a piece of fervice tocarry the feed- corn into the field, yet the fcope of the place doth not well com- ply with it here; and therefore leaving that interpretation, I. ilia!! rather Secondly, Take feed for ripe corn, or for that which is reap= ed; as in Haggai (Chap. n. 19.) Is thefeed yet inlhelarn;? That is, is the Harvefi yet come in ? No,the feed is not in the Barn.