Chap. 39. an Expoftion upon the Boo, of J o s, Verf. 12. Barn. So, in this place, feed is that which bath been fown and grown up, and ready to be gathered into the Barn. And that may be taken two wayes ; Ftrft,Thus : Will the Unicorn by plowing andharrowing the Ptumeredetes, ground, procure that thy feed fhall return again to thee ? or that good dum b ,- the feedwhich is fawn, fhall come home to thy Barn, yielding mu i roam ei a good crop, fo returning what was fowed with advantage and atrdám a a t increafe ? Wilt thou believehim that he will caufe thy feed thus to arnarit' return borne to thee ? Surely no do not believe that he will do fire ur tandem thee any fuch fervice, for he will deceive thycredulity if thou roddartuwnfe dealt. ntenterrt, vel or Secondly, Thus : Wilt thou believe that he will draw the ero us r oora cart, and fo help theehome with thy corn at Harvell ? This Ex- Pc;erfeger pofition is molt favoured, not only by our Tranflation, but by titrandom (la- the words following in the latter part of the verfe, both which ruetatur in intimate, that the feedhere fpoken of, is the feed reaped,rather ar deporra than that to be fowed. Will he bring home thyfeed, torad err. andgather it into thy barn ? Sperandum near el3utagerà Seed to be towed, is carried into the field, notinto the barn ; 117onoceroret feedor corn reaped, is carried into the barn, not into the field. fubac?usfemen= M if it had beenPaid, TheUnicornwill do thee no fervice As remacceptata he would not go to plow, fo neither will he go to cart, for the da u un d- gathering of thy feed into thy barn. Sowing, reaping, and ga- theringiuto the barn, are the three principal parts of the Hus- band-mans labour ; and therefore our Lord Jells Chrífl fhewg how the fowls of the air live purely upon the providence of God without labour, faith (Mat. 6. z6.) They few not, neither do they reap;nor gather into barns, yet your heavenly fatherfeedeth them. The word which we tranflate Barn, is ufed (Numb. 18. 27. n Sam. 6. 6.) and inboth places it is rendred, Threfhing- floor, The threfhing floor is ufually in the barn; and therefore-the fame word may well lignifieboth. Wilt thou believe him that he will bring home thy feed, andgather it into thy barn ? Hence note, Firft ; The labour of hafts rs very pro table roman,' The Ox and Horfe bring the feed built formally whe ìyèis C c c reap- 377