Chap. 39. an Expefrtion upon the Book of J o B. Verf. 12. 38t people (or peoples, the word is plural ) together, to the ends of the earth, and they are the ten tbeufands of Ephraim, and they are the thoufands of Manaffebi. c.Mofes fers out the fruirfulnefs of Ephraim, beyond that of t.ivL naffeb, ten for one ; and in both, joyntly (hews howpowerful, how prevailing they fhall be ; even, - as if they pufht their enemies with horns like thofe of Unicorns. In all thefe Scriptures, the Lord fore- (hewed the wonderful force of the Jewifh Churchof old, his portion and peculiar people, by that of the Unicorn. David alto ( as was Paid before) ex- preffeth his affurance of a profperous condition and great Fuca cefs, in the fame language (Pfal. 92. a o. ) Ile pall exalt my born, like the horn of an Vnicorn. And we may affirm the Ifrael of God are like the Unicorn, chiefly upon this account ; becaufe their flrength and defence, or their flrong defence is in, andby their horn. And if any ask, what or who is that ? I anfwer, Jefu3 Chri/l ; Of whom, .Za- chariae filled with the Holy Gholl, prophefaed, laying ( Lnke r. 59, ) Bleffedde the Lord God of Ifrael, for he bath vifitedand re- deemedhis people, andbath rai fed up an hornof falvation for us, in the hhofe of bis fervant David. Jefus aria, is callen an horn of falvation for his people, Bales in1YTo- . Firll, Becaufe he is the Strength and Defence of his people. naceroteexam Secondly, Becaufe he is the Glory and Honour of his people. plum fide iro- Thus the Seventy trarfiare that (Nam. 23. 22.) he bath ( as buflæ Re- it were) the glory of an unicorn. As feftu. Cbriff is called a fneroervuutf e en,dnaia light to lighten theGentiles, fo the glory of his people Ifrael ( Lake boli, rl3'mundi 2. 3:2.) afpernantn,29' Thirdly,jefus Chrill is an horn of (alvation to his people, as he utrique i,npa is (like the hornof an Unicorn, according to report,againfl bodily ve`oCrefiflentu. poyfon) the moli Soveraign, yea, the only antidote againfl the muod nu fir porfon of fin, and the infe&ion of the world (2 Pct, i. 4. ) h ìnumviri By him u+e efcape the corruption that is in the world,.tbrongb in¡l,that burin f rvi. is, believing in him, we are preferved from thole poifonous lute, slum redigi po tefl, figafìca. which corru pt and infe& this world. o ulus Secondly, Someof the Ancients and Moderns too, make the nrar em á fervi- Unicorns 11outnefs4 and affairs! of fpirit againfi doing any vituruc,quan- work for man ; an embleme of that gracious well-temper'd diu unicum floutnefs & refolvednefs offpirit in the faithful fervants ofGod,. Deum caterer, againfl doing any workat all for theDevil, as allo in refufi.g to que quell. 44 in do:n umet'as.