Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap, 39. an Expofitionupon the BoollofJ óB. Vert; ,b do any finful work at the will or cotnmand of man : In which (en fe, it is both their wifdom and their duty not to ferve not pleafe men (i Cor. 7.23. Gal. r. ro. ) Thus S4aádrach, Mefhach and A6ednego anfwered Nebuckadnezar ( Dan. 3. 113.) We n not ferve thy gods. Thefe were no willful men, though they laid, the will not: Their underflanding was in the anfwer as well as chair will, and their confcience for God, as well as either. And in this fenfe the Apoffle, who fo often exhorts to fairhfulnefs and diligence in the fervice of man, adìnonifheth us, Not to be the 'errant: of men, (r Cor, 7, z3.) And in this fenfe, (though he had Paid, l pleafe allmen, inall things for their profit, that they might be faved (t Cor. Io. 33. ) and counfelleth every man , to pleafe his neighbour for his good to edification (Rom. a g.2.) yet) concludeth of himfelf, If [ yet pleafed men, l fhould not be the fervantof Chrift (Gal, t, so.) Thirdly,. The Unicorn is fpoken of in Scripture, as an Hiero- glyphick of thole evil men, who are enemies to the Church of God (I fa. 34.. 7.) And the unicorns (we put in the Margin the Rhinoceros) 'us this Hebrewword) fhall come down with them,and the Bullocks with the Bulls, &c. How fha31 the Unicorns come downwith them ? : Not as we come down from a hill, or high place upon our feet, but they being deflroyed Gall be call or thrown down. Thefe Unicorns in the Prophet, are all thofe proud and mighty men of the world, who oppofe, opprefs, and perfecute the Church of God, called out of the world to faith in Chriul, and falvationby him, as appears fully (ver. 8. ) Thefe for their llubbornnefs againPt the will and ways of God, are juflly compa- red to, or called Unicorns ; For, as Unico -ns will not fervemen, fe thefe will not ferveGod ; they will neither Plow nor Harrow, they will neither go nor come at his command. And as the enemies of the Church, fo, the enemies of Jefus Chrifl himfelf, or they who perfecuted, purfued, and affíied him to death, are fee forth under this title, in that prayer of Da- vida type of Chrifl ( Pfd. 22. 2/. ) Save me from theLions mouth, for thou haft heard me from the horns of the Vnicornt. Chriuprayed, Save me from the Lions mouth, that is, frommy grearefl enemies : Thou haft heard me . from the horns ofthe Voo- corns, that is, of the Scribes and Pharifees, of Herod and Pontine Pilate, againfl whomChrifl had helpwhen he prayed, and got victory