384 Chap. 39. an xpefàtien upon the Book of J o a. Verf. z J O B Chap. 39. Verf. 13, x4, 15,16, 17, 18. 13. Gaveft thou thegoodly wings unto the Peacocks? or wings and feathers unto theoflrich ? 14. Which leaveth her eggs in the earth, and toarm eih them in duft, 15. And forgetteth that thefoot may crufh them, or that the wildbeafis may brikekk them, 16. She is hardened agai her young ones, as though they were not hers her labour is in vain without fear, 17. Becaufe Godbath deprivedher of wifdom, nei- ther hath he imparted to her underfianding. 8. What time ¡he lifteth up her felf on high, fhe fcorneth the Horfe and his Rider. THe Lord havingput feveral queflions toTob, about the wild beafls of the earth, queflionshim in this context, accord- ing to our tranflation,about two,but according to fome other tran- flationsand readings , about three forts of Fowls of the Aire. Our tranflation mentions only the Peacock and Ofirich, others adde the Stork. sochartusde Yet 'tis the opinion of a very late and learned Author, that anírnalbas thewhole context of thefe fix verles contains the defcription of Jgriprwva parte one Fowl only, and that the Ofirich. It cannot be denied, but oá d.b 2. that the firff verfe of thiscontext, or the z 3thof the Chapter, P hath as various tranflations, by all forts of Authors, as any (if not more than any) in this book ; yet he grants, that moff who have tranflated it into Latine, and all that ever he faw, who have unfitted is into the Mother language, ofany Country,render ir, the Peacock. And therefore referring the Reader to the per- ufal of his reafons and authorities, which are many and cogent, why he interprets the word Renaznim, the Ofîrich , I Chaff only touchat force of them in paffage, as Iproceed to open the Text, as 'cis exprcffed inour own tranflation, JCavefi