Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

'Chap. 39. an Expofition upon the Book of J o B. Verf.I 3, 385 Gavel' than the goodly wings lento the Peacocks r That the 19ebrewword here ufed, hgnifies a Peacock, isclear in all thofe Lexicographers that I have met with. Another word is ufed (r Kings a0. a2.) which yet Buxtorfw faith is by fume rendredPara:, and they are often brought in (hips from far Countries, This I delire the Reader to take notice of , that there isa wonderful variety and difference of opinion among In- terpreters, about the proper names of Animals, Plants and CSemms ; and therefore no wonder if fame render the word Chafal,eh in the following part of thisverfe, which is ufually taken for aStorke, the Ojfrich ; and others, the wordRenanimat the beginning of it,Ofiricbes, which weand almoff all others, render Peacocks The Peacockis defcribed only by his wings in the former part of the a 3th verfe, Çaveff thou the goodly wings unto the Pea- cock, The Oflrich isdefcribed, not only by her wings and feathers, in the fame 13th verfe, but by four diflin& qualities, in thecon- text of the five voles following ; Fiat, By her carelefnefs and forgetfulnefs of that which fire fhould be very tender of, her eggs, when fhe huh laid them ; this wehave in the i4th and z5th 'voiles.; which leavetb her eggs in the earth, and warmetb them in the eVV, and forgetteth that the footmay crufb them, &c, Secondly, Sheds defcribed, by her unnaturalnefs to her young ones, when her eggs are hatched ; this we have at the 16th vo l e , She a .bardned againfl her young ones, u though they seer, foot hers. Thirdly, She is defcribed, by that which is the reafonof both the former, her want of wifdom and underl}anding, at the 17th verfe, which verfe tells usalfo whence it comes to pals, that the bath fo littleof thefe excellent endowments, even Bawl, qad bath deprived her ofwifdom, &c. As if hehad raid, if you would know a reafon, or have an account, why the Ofcrich is thus for- getful of her eggs, thus unnatural to her young ones, it is this, God bath deprivedher of wifdons, neither bathbe imparted timeher aaaderftanding, dd The