Chap. 39. 4r ExpoJition upon the Book.ofJ o i;, Verf'r3. 387 why the learned-Bocbartue is per fwaded that the alrich is here intended,becaufe the Peacock bath cot goodly wings as the Oa- rich bath, all the moil beautiful feathers of the Peacock being placed in his tail or train, which is richly painted and adorned with various well- (hadowed colours to the eye, when he fpreads his tail, and prides bimfelf in his plumes. But we need not flay upon this objeetion ; the wing maywell be taken for any feather- ed part. As Mofes faith ( Gen. 7. t q .) every bird of every fart, or as the Hebrew is, of every wing, came into the Ark. And though the Peacock boaflech`chiefly in, his train, asbeing moll beautiful, yet be bath beauty in his wings too. Gavef#`thau the goodly wings into the 'Peacock? The Vulgar Latine tranflates, the wing of the Oi ricb, it like the wing of the Hawke ; but that tranflation is fowide, that on faith! who reading thee, wonders not at the firangseis of the in- terpretation ? The Greek tranilation of the Septuagint is as wide and dark as that, I (hall not trouble the Reader about either, nor about manymore which he may find colleÿted, nor only by Be- chartus,'but by feveral others. The word which we tranflate Peacocks in the plural number, comes fromaroot which fignifes to cry, or to make a loud ñßúfe, to make a cry in toy and triumph, and fo it may be rendred; The wings or feathers if rejoycers and triumphers, The Peacockmay well be fo called, becaufe he is a loud-voiced (brickingbird,gio- rying as it were, and triumphing in his wings and feathers. The very nature andqualities both of beats and birds, are often and elegantly exprefl in the Hebrew names. Gaveft thole the goodly wings to the ?eacocks ?' Hence Note, Firft ; Gad will be owned even in bellowing feathers upon the birds.+ Here theLord takes cff fob from having any hand in that gift, much more from having the tole hand in it. The vvorkmanfhip of Goal may be feen, and is to be acknowledged, ew ; in this, the feathers of a bird . w and if the leaf+, the fmalleíl things, among good things, are of. God, how much more the greatest i if it be of God, that the Peacock bath his feathers ? how much more Odd z that ;Penna firut;i . onH ftmilät efl pentùsñerodtá d accipitrsx, Vulg. uis hacc le. gensnon 83dre- turnovitatem: interpretar,o: nH?Drui: ct>11 deduci- to d radice 41 quadeft ,rantare,glori ari, Lean, ovare.k3ra proprié eji pcntta, vel al-s' la-tantium t(g ovantium. Polio ef{ anY- tnQlgloriofutn ;, Gemmantes Iuippe rum laudatur coloresad- erfostaximC foie quia frc fulgentisu ra-. sfiunt, quas fpeFdarigaudet. i'lin. g uEAfl non gemmata,vo- tucrH iunonz;; cauda Y'inseret-.r