Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

08 Chap. 39. tan Expofttion upon the Book of J o a. Verf. /3 that man bath reafon, that man huh wifdom and underflandingl, howmuch more that°ttsan bath grace and holinefs ! everygood gift, and every perfetft gift cometh from above ; God will be owned, even in a feather,in the wing of a fowl. gaveft thou r not thou, but I. Secondly, In that God takes it upon himfelfro have given fea- thers to the Peacock, or to have made her feathers, Obferve, God bath a care to provide every way for the neceffityof the creature, even of the unreafonablecreatures, whether thole that move upon the earth, or thole that fly in theair. We read before, how the Lord feeds the Lions, howhe feeds the Ravens, how he feeds the wildAfhcs, how heprovides food for Unicorns, and here he would have us takenotice, how he providesclothing for the birds ; feathers, are to the birds their clothing ; they are to all birds good and-warm clothing, and to Tome beautiful and goodly clothing. While Chrifl ( Mat. 6,. 26;8. ) fpake of clothing the Lillic.c and of feeding the Fowls: of the Air, he would from thence infer anargument of the Fa. eherly care of God over his people ; Now in that God gives a clothing of feathers to the Forvls,and doth not leave them naked, it holds forth there three things. Fiat', It is an evidence or proof of thegoodnefs and munifi- cence of God, in providing fufhciently for thecomfortable fub- fiRence of all his creatures, and for ;the ornament of force of them. Secondly, 'Tis a confirmation of bis childrens faith, in and dependance upon him for outward things, for meat and cloathing,: with all neceffaries of this life. Thirdly,. 'Tis a reproof of their diflrufl and u nbelief, with refpea to outward things. Certainly, theLord who bathpro- vided feathers for the Fowls of theAir, will provideclothing for his childrenand faithful fervors, Further, confider ; The Lord bath not only given wings or feathers to the Peacock, but the Text faith, he bath given good- ly:wings Hence