Chap. 39. an Evpolition aspon the Book, of , o B. Verf./ 3. 3g9 Bence learn, Thirdly; All birds are not of a feather. That is, God cloth not give alike, no,not to birds. Some fowls of the air have feathers only for their uCe, or to ferve their ne- ceffity ; all fowls of the air have not gay feathers, nor goodly wings ; all of them havenot painted feathers, all of them have not (as Plinio: word is, defcribing the Peacock) jewellyfeathers, gemmyfeathers tome have but plain feathers to flic with, and tokeep them from the cold, but here the Peacock bath goodly wings. And we read (Ezek,. r7.3.) of an Eagle full of feathers, which haddivers colours ; we put in the margin, Embroydering colours. Godmakes for tome fowls of the air, fuch coats as Ja- cob made for his fon jefeph, whom he loved more than all his Producit ha rumaviumten, nos exempli loco ut often- dotfe non tan- turn neceffariunt vi£lumfed ea. am ornatum dare animali- children (Gen. 37. 3.) even coats of many colours ; and fuch bus. are his degreesof dtfpenfation allo, with refpe6 to the children fives penne- of men. God gives cloathingto all, but not goodly clout-ling, rumvarietate not richcloathing ; to Coins he gives goodly cloathing, he puts ùpnQ®ta a gloryupon their garments ; he clout-is tome with fcarlet, and Cris dicuntur, puts ornaments upon their apparel,as David in his mourning long fpake of Saul, adorning his fubjeEs, the people of Ifrael (a Sam, it, 23, 24.) WhenAbraham fenc his fervant to woo for his fon 'flue, or t® fetch a wife for him, he Pent goodly cloathing his fervant brought forth jewels of Aver, and jewels of gold, and rai- ment andgave them to Rebekah (glen. 24. y 3.) lofeph.(Gen,4-, 22.) gave all his brethren changes of raiment; but to Benjamin hegave three hundred pieces of flyer, and fivechanges of raiment,. Thus the Lord deals with men and women in this world ; all have apparel to cover their nakednefs, and defend them from the tharpssefs of a Winter feafon, but Cote have goodly apparel. Fourthly, In that thefe goodly wings given to the Peacock,. are by fome rendred proud wings- by others boafting Note; risers is teraptation ingay worldly- things, to puff up tht mind w:thpride.- 'The very Peacock havingfiné feathers, over-weenes himfelf, d is protad ofThem. M we fay, Fine firhers, makefinebirds, fo