,.. , all *1*^ (r;,ar 39e Chap. 39. 4n Expofition upon the Bookof J o B. Verf. 13 fo we may fay, Fine feathers,make proud birds. And no wonder if it be fowith filly birds ; for even wife men, if they receive any thing that is goodly from the hand of God, are very apt to beasproud of ir, as the Peacock ofhis goodly wings. If the Lord dothbutgive us a fewgay feathers,a littlemore riches than others, a littlemorehonour than others ( thefe are gay feathers) or if the Lord givens better and higher parts than others (thefe aregayer feathers) How hard is it for us to keep down high thoughts, or or to !bar high upon thefe wings and feathers,in admiring thoughts and airy conceits of our felves, though the holyGhofl every where way-layette the pride of our hearts by many arguments, by this efpecially, becaufe all we have is given us by God, and we'-have nothing of our own. The Lord hath given man many goodly feathers, beauty and flrength of body ro many, riches and honor tonot a few,wtr,learning,eloquence to force, and to others fpiritual gifts and graces, which are the goodliefl feathers of all. Now Icing, all thefe are given us, why thould we be proud of any one of them? yea, how humble fhould we be, though adorned with them all ! Hence that Apo- flolical check toproud ones (I Cor. 4. 7.) what haft thou that thou daft not receive ? andif thou haft received it, why deft thou glory or boafl, as if thouhad/i not received it ? In thefe words he more than implyeth two things ;:Firfl, That theywho have re- ceived thofegoodlier feathers of fpirirual gifts and graces, are in danger of being lifted up by them. Secondly, That they ought nor. The Angelswho fell, had goodly feathers, and theywere lifted up, not only inpride with what they had received, and were beholding,to God for, but in pride tohave more, or get higher, and not be beholding to God for it. There is a temptati- on in any good thing, ..a great temptation in goodly things, to pride ; and therefore we had need to pray when we have any thing that is goodly,, whether it be natural, civil, moral, or fpiri- tuai, to be kept humble and preferved from pride. The Apoflle Paul was indanger to be exalted abovemeafure, through the abun- danceof therevelations which hehad when caught up to the third heaven(a Cor. ra. 3, 7.) The bell men on earth may be over- heated by whatthey have received from heaven, and the flefh may take occafion, as, by the commandment to work in to-all man- user of concupi fcence (Rom. 7.8.) (o, by our raptures in fpirir,, to, puff