Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

kiÉihxiifia. ÍF+'1!f lá 394 Chap. 29. An Expofition on the-Book of J o B. Verf. a 3, strutblo eft lift her up ro a tree, or rake any lofty flight in the air. Natura- avis quedam lifts defcribing the Ofirich, tell us, that fhe is fuch abird as is appr®p`nquans aLo a kind of beet, Some creatures are of two kinds in one, live adgenusbeftia- rum; undelicet ing partly upon the earth , and partly in the water; here the hakatpennu Of may upon another account be numbred among thefe, he admodum ani- uing the wing to flutter a little in the air likea bird, yet molt!), Valium alto like a beafi moving upon the earth. And hence a warned Author volantium: non tamersfepoi ft placeth the ftrich between fowls that flic in the air, and things in alum ele that breathor move upon the earth. Pliny reports, the Ofiriches vare. Aquin. of África and e frabia to bevery big bodied, as tall in fiature Srruthieeflin as a horfe and his rider; and more .Iwift of foot than any borfe, conftnia vola- baino,hel ed by their wings, which yet are not firongenough to crue, 6 repti- p 1 y B" i Y 1 e peanas raite their bulkie bodies above the earth. quippe labet ut Uponthefe grounds and confiderations it is, that all there In- vo'vie, fed e. ter. ter p.erers, who Will havebut one fowl of the air to be intended ut reptile. in this part of the Text, fix upon the Ofirich, not upon the ruu,n nttzai, Stork; though the word Chafidah, which they Eradiate Ofirich, alature ut to doth properly lignifie the Stork. lucria,neque howbeit, Tome cogent reáfonwhy we may not expound tvnenvolucre,. the word Chafidah properlyby, the Stork, and yet falve all the former cbje&ions, by rendring the word Notfa an Ofirich. There is a neceflity that we find the Ofirich in this verfe, becaufe.(as was.faid before).the defcription given inthe five following ver les, is not applicable to the Stork, but Oiirich ; notwithtianding, . ifwhile weapply the word chajidah to the Stork, theword Notfa may ferve as well, if not better, to liignifie the Ofirich. Why may we not (fay they) take in both, and fo render the Text thus, Whogave wings to the Storkand the Ofirich ? and fo all difficul- ties will be removed, and the word Renanim referved free for the Peacock, But forafmuch as our tranflation puts the Oftrich alone into the Text, I !hall not add any thing concerning the nature of the Stork, but only of the Ofirich ; Jesvefl thon wings and feathers to Rob, the Oftrich ? (lus fords kine The word rendred wings, lignifies flrength ; the flrength of '12Pipenna birds is in their wings (as of man in his arms) and fomebirds'are ela,quod in ais exceeding firong of wing. robur avium The word rendred by us feathers, fignifies in the.root to fist, becaufc feathersare the infiruments of fi ins et others derive ¡¡1ZPtumo Y rs Y lfimehi d +f3 it