Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap.39. an Expoftion upon the hook of } o B. Verf. I 3. 399 are ever like to have ; As effbrabam told the rich man in the Parable (Luk. 16. ) who vas cloatbed with purple and fine linnen, and fared deliciouflyevery day while he lived;Son remember thouhaft had thy good things. Fine cloaths anddelicious fare is the all of good ( and how poor an all is that ) which fame men delire, and which anyungodly man (hall receive from the hand of God. Thirdly, We may infer ; Let all learn tobe content with, and thankful for their own clothing or portion in this world, though it be but mean, courfe or plain, and much inferiour to what they fee othershave. Thofe birds which have but poor feathers are fatif- rirgamesman fled with them, as well as the Peacock and the Oiirich with their i detSiefl gaudy ones. By this argument God would perfwade fob, to be quiet and patient, though his clothing at chat. time was very fúÑ pLum.,'iea mean, yea, though all the gay feathers of his former profperity tu, OJob, 6t wereplucks oft andhe fiript naked,as he ( poor man ) (aid at the ahi hominer zi th verfe of the fira Chapter ; Naked came I out of my Mo- fun forte can- thers womb, and naked (hall I return thither, that is, to the tentieffede- womb of the earth, mans common parent. Though we makenot bent. Scutt, a fair- (hew (as the Apofile faithTome d.fired to dò, Gal. 6: 12.) in the ftefh ; though we have not fuch goodly feathers on our backs, in our outward robes as others have, let us be thankful for a drefs of the meanefl clothing, and patient though dreffed in fackclotlr. God is a foveraign Lord, he is at his liberty to give goodly wings and glorious feathers to this bird, and plain ones to another : And the fame liberty he may and doth take and exer- cife when and where he pleafeth, among the children of men. Gaveft thou the goodly wings to the Peacocks ? or wings and fea- thers to the Oflrich ? The Lord having thus defcribed the Ofirich by her outfide, her wins and feathers, proceeds to Phew her infide, her difpo- fition and qualities. And we might expect, that a creature cloth ed with fuch lovely wings and feathers, would have had fome lovely and rarequalities, whereas the O(irich bath not one that's commendable, all that is laid of her fignifying an ignoble difpofi- tion. For firfi, fhe is forgetful and caretefs of that, which file fhould be very careful of.