Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

atoo Chap. 39. Expoftion upon the l3ookof Jos. Verf. t4 Verf, t 4, i 5. Which leaved) her egg r in, the earth,and warm- eth them to the duff, and rorgetteth that the foot may crag) them, or that the weld d ca(fs may dreai them. Here's the folly, the carelefsnefs, and blockifhnefs of this creature. She leaveth ber eggs in theearth. The eggs of the Oliïich are great, and the fhell very hard ; we often fee them fetcurioufly ingold 'or liver, and fo ufed as cups or drinking vefiels. But of what worth or nfe foever her eggs are, (he ufeth them very courfely, and carries it towards them as if they were little worth. Other birds, when they lay their eggs, do their utmoti to put themour of danger, they fit upon them themfelves, and hatch them ; but the Oflrich ( fay fume ) leaves them in theearth and is gone, fhe rakes no further care of them; where once they are laid, there file lets them lye. This ( I fay) is contrary to the nature of other birds, who lay their eggs in netts, as much as they can from danger , but ¡he leaveih them , in the earth, And waraneth them in the elaf`f. ESolrs.rftufo Which is not tobe underflood, as if (he left them there on vet au:(fc. purpofe or defgnedly to warm them in the duff, for that were a Deus) Our piece of difcretion, but (he is reproved for improvidence ; and flruthtocano. therefore where 'tis Paid, file leaves them, the meaning is, the tan er credo looks no more after them, they are little beholding to her, the pofuerat, donee y exctud,nrur will not ( as force intimate) take pains, nor bath' fhe the patience put1i. Jun, to fit on them, and hatch them as other fowls do, Several Au- thours affirm, that the eggs thus left, are hatcht by the hear or warmth of the Sun. This Bachartats rejeu`ts as a meer dream, affirming, That all her eggs, fo left in the lands, are corrupted, not hatched ; and tells us from others, that the Oftrich having forgotten where the left her own eggs, happening upon the eggs of forgeother Ot}rich, fits'upon and hatches them ; according to which, the Chaldee faith, She Brings young ones which are ,t4at truly hers. But I leave there things to the conlderation of the Reader. Others