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Chap. 39. an Expofition .upon the Book of Jo B. Verf. 15. Others give two rearms, why the Ostrich leaves her eggs in the duf,and doch not fit upon them ; both which are very unfair- able to what God himfelf faith of the Ottrich. Firft, ( They fay) fhe leaveth them and warms them in the duft, left the lhould break them with the weight of her body ; but doubtle(s there is no fowl foheavy, but may at on her eggs, and not break them. The leaft bird that fits upon eggs may break them if the becarelefs, and the greateft maypreferve thet mby care. Betides, anOfariches egg is a very bard egg, and not eafly broken ; there- fore Purely, that cannot be the reafon.Secondly,That fhe doch not fit upon her eggs her felf,becaufe fhe wanteth feathers; her under parts being bare and naked, and fo very unfit to yield warmth, But if the Ulrichdid thus upon anatural inflin&, there would be no reafon to charge her with folly, or to fay God bath de- prived her of wifdom ; for as the former reafon, fo this would prove her to be a wife andprovident creature, therefore we mutt laythe reafon fomewhere elfe. And God himfelf hash given us the true reafon, her blockifh forgetfulnefs andunnaturalnefs,hav- ing no confideration how loon her eggs may be fpoilcd. Verf, I 5. Ad forgetteth that the foot may crufh them. That is, fhe bath no thought that they may takehurt,and there- Iraflolidaoft fore takes nocare, nor makes any provifion to preferve them from ut, nr®B uz hurt ; fhe minds nor, nor doth at all apprehend the danger which o'.,,aqu t her eggs are in : She forgettetlo that the foot (of man ) may humi religuit, crufh them, pedibur fora- rum our homi- Or that the wild beaft (that patl'eth along in thofe wilder- numpremanrur. i effes anddefart places ) may break them. Mere. TheHebrew is tbrefh them, which implyeth more than crack- ing, even breaking them all to pieces. Thus wefee what report God himfelf makes of the Oftrich ; but many other things are reported of the Oftrich by natural Hi- florians, which we haveno reafon to believe, becaufe they con- tradici the report which theLord here makesof her, unlefs they mean some other fort of Oftrich than is here described. For ilianus1.4_ cv/Viun tells us, The Oftrich fits diligently upon her'eggs, till the C. 6.36. young ones are hatchr, and then is very tender over them. Both which the Lord deniesconcerning the Oftrich in the Texr, while F f f be 401