Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 3`9. 1M Expofition upon theBaok of j o B. Verf, a-g;, he faith , She leaveth her eggs in the earth, and warmeth them in the doll, and forgetteth that the foot may crufh them, &c. Hence rote, Pirß Among unreaf,nable creatures beans or birds, there are fume farther from reafón than others are. Though none of the beafls of the earth, or fowls of the air, have Reafon, properly fo called ( that's the priviledge of Angels and Men ) yet thereare fome of them, that by a natural inflinét, (hew a great deal of reafon in what they do, both as to their own prefervation, and the provifion which they make for their young ones ; in which latter refpe61, efpeciallythis Scripture, cakes no Lice of the deficiencyy of the Oarich, Secondly, Forafmuch as the fpirit of God reports this as the follyof the Oarich,.that fhe leavesher eggs to fo much hazard and danger, Obferve; ro leave any thing indanger, ornot to provide againff danger, is a great argument of folly. It is a great piece of wifdom to forefee danger, and a greater toprovide well againfl ir, Aprudent man (faith Solòmon, prov, 2i., 3, ) forefeeth the evil, and hideth hirnfclf: 611 the fimple puts on and are puniflied. Noahheard of the flood, and being toern- d of God, moved with fear (he both feared God, and was afraid . of the danger) prepared anArkto the laving of has houfe, that is, his houfhold and family. In all cafes, as 'Lis our wifdom to for fee danger, fo 'Lis our duty to provide again(+ danger ; not to leaveour eggs, any thing we have, much let's our lives, lead of all our own fouls, or the fouls of others, in danger. How many leave the fouls of their children, the fouls of their relations in the earth, yea, to the earth, or (as we fay) to the wideworld ; and forget what fnares, what temptations they may fall into, what foot may crufh them, what wild beafl may tread upon them; yea, many that have the charge of fouls,as Miniifers,leave their flocks, and forget the danger that may come tothem,they forget that the foot may crufh them, that Satan,and chofe wild bean=, their kt(it, may ruin and defiroy them. We may fay to fuck, as Elia6, rite alder brother of David, faid ro him ( when he was fent by his fa;het