Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

Chap. 39. Expoftion upon the Rook of J o.s. ,Verf.I5 father tovifit hisbrethren in the Camp)(rSam. 12..1 $,)Witb whom haft thou left thofe few (beep inthe wildernef ? dolt thou know what will become of .thy sheep? thanhalt left themfor Lions and Bears todevoure and to tear.; Sowe may fay romany ( who are hardened like the Ulrich againfl her eggs) with whom haveyou left your flocks ? with whom have you left thofe few (beep, thofe poor fouls left under your charge ? may not wild. beans, Bears and Lions deftroy them ? Not to forefee dangers thews.fome want of prud'ence'; but not to provide againft danger for eteen, is an argument of greateft folly. Again, confider this foolifh creature the ORrich, leaves her eggs at (as we fay ) fixes and fevens, and is gone, (he never troubles her felt more with them, yet they are preferved , and her kind iscontinued, though little thanks to her. Hence we learn, Thirdly There ra a wonderful providence of God the Creator, watching over chafe things which are left in hazzard, by the folly of man or of any other creature. By how much the Ulrich is more neglectful, by fo much the providence of God is more warchful. In the carelefnefs of the creature, howdoth the careof God Chine forth ! when they that are ingaged to, or fhould provide for the goodof others, or to prevent their evil, negle& that duty, how wonderful is the goodnefs andkindnefs of God in providing for them, and proteet-. ing them ! David had this confidence ( Pfal. 27. r o.) when my father and rymother ( like the Oftrich) forfake me (that is, thoughmy father and mother fhould prove founnatural, as to for- fake me, and expofe me to the wide world )yet the Lord will take nre up.Howgood isGod,who takescare for them,forwhom neareff relations take none !The Prophetputs this queftion, as if the ne- r uantoJFru- gative anfwer were out of queffion (Ifa. 49. 15. ) Can awoman tiro camelus forget ( like the Ulrich her eggs) her flocking child , that fyB lloiidior Amid not havecompafon on the fan of her womb ? Surely, if the fuorum ovoreos o5litior, tanto anfwer were tobemade to this queftion in the light of nature, Dei providen. would it not be this ? She cannot,'ris impoffible (he fhould. But ria folicier howdada the fpirit of. God anfwer in the Text ?" Not abfolute 3 benrgniar. in the negative, the cannot ; nor abfolutely in the of lrmatively, the will ; butmixtly or comparatively F Tea', they may forget; 403,