Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v12

404 Chap. 39. an Expopioan upon the Book of J o g. Verf. r y per will I not forget thee ; that is, though it would be a very ltrange thing if they ihould, yet poffibly they may, but 'cis im- poiiìble that I fhoufd forger thee. Or thus , though women should turn Otfriches and forget their 'own ifiùe, yet will I not forget thee ; that is, I will have thee in everlabing remembrance, as it followed] in the nextwords of the Prophet (verf. 16. ) Be- hold ! I have graven thee upon the palmes of my hands, thy walls arecontinually beforeme, And as the Lord will not forget his Sion, the Church, nor leave her to the danger of being cru(ht byevery foot ; fo whatever is left to hazard or danger, whether,Firfl, by any unreafonable crea- ture, as here in the Text ; Or fecondly, by unreafonable d foolish men ( from whom to be delivered the Apoflle begged earneflly, z 1Isef, 3. y,) Or Thirdly,wwhich the wifea men, with all their care, and power, and diligence cannot fecure from dan- ger and hazzard there is a wakefuleye of providence, that will rake care in all fuch cafes, efpecially, in the lafl. For,when men have done their utmofl, to keep the foot from crufhing us, and the wild beafls from deflroying us, but cannon, then the care'of God appears moll in doing it. And in the cafe of that double eeceflìty,when good men have done their bell to keep us fafe,but cannot ; and bad men have done their worF, to expofe us unto, and leave us in danger, we may, and mull leave ,all to God, who naturally takes care of all creatures, and is the Saviour of all men (both as to temporal andeternalICalvation, a Tim. ger0.) efpecially of them that believe. Thus we have the firfl part of thedefcriptiotr of the O:lrich, who being fo very foolifh, not to difcharge her duty to her eggs, God himfelf doth ir, his providence orders the Sun to warm them,and theSand to bring them forth. And as theUl- rich is carelefs of her eggs, before they are harchr, fo the neg- lects her young onesas much when they are harchr, as is fliewed in the next ve:fe. Verf. 16. She is hardened agairft her young ones, au if they were not hers, This verfe gives us a farther defcriptionof that Bird-heafr the ;C]?rieb, by her unnaturalnefs to her off-fpring ; having left her eggscarelefsly to hatch or peril in the duff, flee is as carelefs of her